Team-Visual vs dMon eSports (6971 views)

30.06.15 21:45 CEST


zal wel weer bij me vriendin gamen, gelukkig ben ik rifle
Ja heb er helaas een, laptop mee en klaar
e: testi kan dit bevestigen :xd
e: testi kan dit bevestigen :xd
winner of this game wins the group and loser goes out of the cup
no pressure guys
no pressure guys
Wat wat
why dotdotdot am i wrong here :S:S:S
I dont know
im no wrong
succes boys
izi4bash fobje
Hahahah jaki rage na tsie a myslalem ze to nejm tylko przezywa te gre :p
4-0 visual
Too bad polaks
You have 50 on eu visual
You won 240
You won 240
You have 1500 on eu visual
You won 7200
izi cheatsy
You won 7200
izi cheatsy
Culan dodger
how can i dodge something when i didn't say i will come?
You have 250 on eu visual
You won 1200
You won 1200