Hodor vs Randomx) (3739 views)

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05.07.15 23:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: IGLA (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 445
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 4


derryn is so hot
yes i wouldnt say otherwise
You have € 10 on eu Random
You won € 445
Igla is still so unbelievably shit lmao
It's a wonder that you even have time to write comments, shouldn't u post selfies of ur ugly shit face on snapchat?

e: How can u even be so full of urself with that face? I mean it's one of the most ugly faces I've ever seen in my entire life?
Come bak and buttlick me you 12 years old looking virgin who can only be friend with fucking fat whale whores because not a single decent girl would even look at you you fucking bueber dick
Buttlick u, wasnt it u pming me everyday to play? U look 12y old urself rofl and virgin haha ur the virgin taking pics of ur 12y old friends sleeping all the time and my gf is skinny u 30kg faggot, tbh u look way younger mr i take 100 selfies a day with my eyebrows crawled and ur forehead crawled. And still u look shit ofc no girl wants u or should i say no boy wants u with ur faggot pics?
& gaaaaaaaan supna :P hha
aah chilaxje! :D ja kom die gast ... die heeft men vriendin zelfs nog nooit gezien, btw wanneer spelen we nog is? :)
Je moet die nie serieus nemen :P en kwn, speel meestal met eron and co (meestal dirtybomb eigenlijk)
Geen cs:go meer? en oke man het zag er niet zo tof uit op trailer dat spel ... gl in benelux cup btw
Noob do U have csgo?
nooit gespeeld (mss 5x ofzo) :-) kakspel
met mij is elk spelletje leuk
Vooral dat kringrukken vindt chilax erg vermakelijk met jou!
Vooral wallen tegen jou zodat je gaat ragen als frederik is vermakelijk!

Deryn esse toni ahahah fucking nerds gg
Said the guy commenting on gtv while hes on a holiday :D! cu lan xoxox
sal profiteur de merde qui va en grece dans ce pays de faucher ayeaye ayeeeee frere je tentend
Tmtc frere! Palace 5 étoiles sisi
20x moin chere qun apparte en france/belgique LOL
Deryn carried by good players = boobs bonus