FaMaS vs Syncro (4143 views)

fr J@ck3rror
fr kaz
fr Keytaro
fr DooZ
fr yAmbA
be Shugga
fr Stuv
Not Announced
CFET 1/2 Finale
18.05.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: dr4g (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 5544
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
fr #Gamerz-Connexion TV I
By: dr4g (ettvd)
fr Suck my dick & touch my balls #2
By: AZAA (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 39


izi for Fama$....
LU Fama$ :


gl famas :)
GL les famas mais je pense que c'est les syncro qui vont l'emporté.
gogo Tete de porc <3
izi for Fama$ gl les m8
tg karnaj gl famas > syncro
Human vs Bot !!
Gl les Famas tout sur vous !
GL Syncro :)
shuuuuuuugga ftw
Go Keytalow !
Gl les famas :)

Genre Shugga va jouer :D
GL famas !
moi je dis GL syncro, et HF :D:D:D:DD:DdDdddDDDD:DDD;dD:DD:DD:DD:
Sa need les back up chez famas ^^
gL famas
keytaro , mais lol
Keytaro is @ famas and esperance, wtf?
@esperance for 1 day cup wtf?
Error is failled.
easy pour la feujette <3
4-0 for them
was close on radar but not on gr

j'hésite a dire lol ou bien lolz. Les famas, demandez un replay et rigolez gaiement !
too many walls for win :/
You have € 35 on Syncro
You won € 52.15 ....