CatiNaHat #1 vs CatiNaHat #2 (5829 views)

be PlAyer
fi Swanidius
fi tOMBA
fi rsp
fi smak
fr Snatix

ET United LAN
UB - 1/8 Final

#ET:U - Play offs - Facebook


for real? :D
gl Martial :D
Gogo Smak <3
Going to be played next week wed or sun
I'll put it to Wednesday for now
izee for ciah :D
the winner of this has to play against visual #2 --> catinahat able to play against us after this match wednesday or thursday?
I've talked with hybra, my team and ciah #2. This match will be most likely played on thursday 19cet and the winner plays you guys @20cet so that insane can play for hybratek since he has a viSual #1 game @21cet.

Snatix has to confirm this though since he's the only guy we don't yet know about.
we confirmed at 21.30CET, right after visual's #1 game!
should be here tomorrow, will confirm you around 13:00 tomorrow!
so tonight 21:30 CET? :)
If we win, ok for us.
You have to replace me if we happen to win, im not avi for that.
Noob vs noob
You have € 60 on eu =^.^=
Possible win: € 1070.4
3/1 #2 cats
You have € 250 on eu =^.^=
You won € 4460

lolooololollololololoo swani i gave u so much warmup :(
too much. my arm is dying
gg swanidius always thought u were the best ETplayer

e: after snatix
why you ignore me at irc bruh
you talked to my bnc :(
You have € 250 on eu =^.^=
You won € 4460