Forward Momentum vs 'xD ViSual, (5956 views)

us Axcess
us Foreigner
us ohurcool
ca CrimZoN
us vein
nl Testi
ch Aq
nl Efax
nl esSe
nl iNsAne
nl outlAw
nl Sebhes

CyberGamer EU ET American Season 1
ET 6on6 League
Week 1

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09.11.15 00:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET American 6on6: Season 1 » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: foreigner (Generaladmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 9321
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 8


nice lives
02.11.15 02:00 CET

holy shit emils :S
gl us viSjump
gl nl )>>(
Axcess is north korean... idk how he even has internet in that region
Gl bape, Axcess, Dynasty
nerd to the max
gl burgers
gl boys
You have € 250 on us )>>(
You won € 8792.5
Rofl rekt
I'm assuming EU cried about ping like always?
U know it
[7:39]: Allied Command Post spawn active!
vxdual outlAw [7:31]: :')
vxdual outlAw [7:13]: wtf.
vxdual outlAw [6:40]: kanker spel

Men don't cry. They water their beards.
Only outlAw (and testi huge faggot).
and Aquilla, rest yelled at ts3. I just express my feelings :s
kanker spel
Liar, i was totally not yelling when i got killed behind a wall due some track aim all the way behind the wall and i didnt even know where oppo was what you talking about -_-

Ps also i made a 5 man kill thx gg OP
NA > EU :')
is this for real ?
admins winning match, hum...

E: Testi winning matches LOL so fishy ( <3 )
Sebhes is admin too 8) Axcess 2strong
<Testii> Forward Momentum never loses when I play
We did bash xD dickjumpers and team lowland
beating us is not worth mentioning
I meant Poland but was trying to make joke XD
hmm mabe u won vs them cause they were obviously trolling?:D and one of them play sten all maps :D? nice dreams srajpod
mabe we won cause we won ;)
hahahaha, maybe you should stop live in dreams and request game and watch how polish guys play :D
yes this game :D just replay and watch how "3.14" were trolling you nubis and you still werent able to won it 4;0 XDDDD
they tried trolling in grush
ended up losing
tried in next 2 maps
and they lost
i enjoyed watching this replay... 10/10 would recommend to anyone