'xD ViSual, vs Steroids (7245 views)

nl Aie
nl esSe
nl iNsAne
nl kApot
nl outlAw
nl Sebhes
ca anim
us Joker
de Oxy
us Sem
us TheEnd

CyberGamer EU ET American Season 1
ET 6on6 League
Week 2

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23.11.15 01:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET American 6on6: Season 1 » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: foreigner (Generaladmin)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 10754
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


2 a.m. like in good old times
anim has a birthday party so need to push this back an hour xD im sure its no problem xD
nice lives
true, nerds need to go see the sun once in ahwile
Gl outlaw outlaw outlaw outlaw outlaw and insane
match of the century imo
I miss crono
dont u guys have to go to work or sth?
I'm wondering the same tbh... also what about the NL guys?
Part time subway, I really hate it
living from check to check this lifestyle might not make it
im doing aight i suppose dunno bout the other jobless cunts ghehehe
jobless cunts btw
Hatta nich jefragt...
Fuck this
Zegt die om 2 uur in de nacht, gg wp.
Zegt die om 10 uur in de ochtend, gg wp.
I have tried to contact TheEnd but unfortanetely without success. I hope you guys can play this match 1 hour earlier. This time is slightly too late for us.
We can do 1 hour later
Allemaal in de bijstand dat je maandagochtend niks hoeft te doen?
Afgestudeerde bachelors, masterstudenten, ondernemers en studenten mijn vriend en jij!?
en jij :$
:DDDD grapje boef x

ben nog met m'n hbo studie bezig;)
xD xD xD
wildcard by 'xD ViSual,
We have to wildcard this. Anim has his Uncle's birthday party and Joker won't be here
It has to be played before Thanksgiving.
why before thanksgiving? why cant we just do next sunday, we'll play both games
Because this will be the last game of the group stage. This entire week (ending Sunday), actually, was supposed to be to play any matches that had been wildcarded or moved (as no games were originally scheduled for it). I intended to do the playoff bracket on Wednesday so the first round could be agreed on for Sunday. If it's impossible to play it some other time or day before next Sunday, we could probably work around it, but please try first.
end you didnt get a new cpu yet?
don't need it
Radigan is funding a csgo professional team there is salary involved for you to be our scheduler/social media manager
and that was the last time euros played in na
yes enjoy 3 teams next time
get a good night sleep and get up and prac tomorrow shake this l off "maybe one day"
I dont care I lost my man.
You have € 3000 on us ROIDS
You won € 6180

Easy money
don't believe that you niggas were bragging about 3rd place at lan lol
and you can't beat one of them. Take a seat
You have € 40 on us ROIDS
You won € 82.4

You have € 250 on eu viSjump
You lost