Friends in Force *Green* vs Cortana (9785 views)

nl joof
nl vanqhuis
be sil
be ziff
be worm
be jere
hr acozz
hr calisto
hr komar
hr rimi
ch gunner
hr gmx
Semi-final of the Enemy Territory 6on6 EMS Relegation Cup and First Match of Groupstage
This matchresult counts for both matches on ESL EMS.
Match Link & Statements
27.05.08 22:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Major Series Season II
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: 8Bits|Skydriver (Generaladmin)
Maps: Bremen_b2
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 37373
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
cz TeamPlay Radio
By: smOke
Listen to smOke
Language: Czech

Total Slots: 250
Listener Peak: 29

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #2
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettvod Demo recorder
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de #LoFT ETTV3
By: benJi (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: 8Bits|Skydriver (ettvd)
fr #Gamerz-Connexion TV I
By: dr4g (ettvd)
fr Suck my dick & touch my balls #1
By: AZAA (ettvd)
gb Knife.Com ETTV
By: SOOSSI (ettvd)
By: Der_Haase (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 123


I think you need to fix line ups, haha
gunnar is not fucking croatian
He's planning to immigrate to gain a better bond with his teammates from Croatia.
gl fif!
You have € 250 on Cor
Possible win: € 260 easy bash
to eaz
fif met dagabonnement op ETTV <3 ?
ze maar zeker, tomatenbietenkweker :D
gl jongens :) maar deze match gaan jullie niet winne :p my money on cortana!
easy bash voor worm nademonster

en ziff pokerstiff
my money on siL !!!!
gg cortana
easy basj for cortana
gl FiF you will need it
cortana if they care about winning
gl FiF
jere: "ja ik denk dat we zeker een kans hebben"

opzich mag da wel ingekaderd en boven zijn bed gehangen worden

gl he fif xD
gl siL
WE LOVE YOU JERE WE DO ! gl jere ;)
Useless match ;D
no not really, it's the same round for the groupstage
Ah, didn't know.
cortana will rape them
You have € 335 on hr Cor Cancel bet
Possible win: € 425.45
You have € 15 on FiFg
Possible win: € 71.25

own them worm ! :D
will be closer than expected, gl FiF :)
vanqie gaat ze pakke
gl FiF
your brother's website?
easy 4cortana

You have € 342 on hr Cor Cancel bet
Possible win: € 396.72
jere: "They have accozz, we have Jere, it's clear who will win."

this made my day :D
all those quotes make me going crazy

goo FiF <3<3<3
i think it's np 4 jere again xD
gl cro gays :O)
gl cor :)
gl komar and co.
gl cor pwn them accoz
gl fif:D
some min delay
succes jere <3
sorry for delay, we were still playing vs idem, also for esl
but now the game can begin :)
soz, match vs Idem wasn't finished yet!

gl fif
just started :O
2-0 Cortana
You have € 100 on be FiFg
Possible win: € 765
You have € 250 on hr Cor
Possible win: € 287.5
awesome 2 -2

supply was exciting
wp fif
more luck FiF!
what a failure cor:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
gogogogo fif
4-2 FIF
gg FIF won !
wp fif
wp fif
You have 50 on FiFg
You won 382.5
gg-wp fif :D
You have € 40 on be FiFg
You won € 306

wie ich vergessen hab zu wetten :x
You have € 144 on be FiFg
Possible win: € 1101.6
gg FIF, joof poener !!
You have € 342 on hr Cor
You lost THX CORTANA low+ max!
and you have poke- max! asshole.
Poco Ty mi odpisujesz ego Ci nie pozwala kurwa ? wypierdalaj bede ocanil klany bo tak mi sie podoba to ze ty jest low i zal ci dupsko sciska to nie moj problem
zajebisty jestes koles,widac ze miales(albo masz)trudne dzecinstwo bo widocznie przegrana bardzo cie podnieca,chyba mama cie jeszcze z pod cyca nieposcila nygusie.
a ciebie pocis to jedynie moze towj stary ale chujem w odbyt pierdolony gownojadzie
oo nastepny, roox to twoj kolega?chyba tak wyraznie widac ze poziom wyrownany,a nad tym tekstem to tak dlugo myslales czy literki skladales?
Zlozylem to zdanie szybko ale ty napewno bys tego go szybciej nie zrobil bo twoj iloraz inteligencji wynosi max 1 . A kolega to moze i moj a pozatym sikam na takich jak ty co maja zawsze duzo do powiedzenia . Bo ja nie wiem czy ty jestes pod fejkiem czy co kurwa bo pierwszy raz taki nick na oczy widze . Mowisz o kims poke a sam pewnie kurwo jestes nie lepszy . A co do tego ze cortana low+ to mial racje bo jak FIFgaming bylo na lanie ze spawna nie wyszli :] wiec fu pedale online only . !
You have € 33 on be FiFg
You won € 252.45

ezzzz w33sstt
You have € 15 on FiFg
You won € 114.75

danku ettv
You have € 100 on FiFg
You won € 765
You have € 30 on FiFg
You won € 229.5

I'm rich biatch!
You have € 125 on FiFg
You won € 956.25
You have € 10 on FiFg
You won € 76.5

thx for the money :)
LOL immortal04:P me You have € 10 on FiFg
You won € 76.5 :S
half ettv watchers left the last minutes from supply xD
n1 fif

ziff -> gamesense !
gg but plz rename your clan name.
to 8bits - FiF you mean?
no. 8bits - CiF
cheaters in force hahahah. ah come on you can lose better then that
don't worry I stopped caring about losing in ET a long time ago.
btw, I Heard you failed?
dont act like a well respected player who played at the top for years ... acozz is in the position to say smth like that for example, not you
???????? What the hell those losing having anything to do with being a top respected player. And yes, I am in a position to say my opinion because I ( cortana ) have been fucked up to many times by cheaters so far. I stopped caring because I know i can't make any difference. gl at cdc5
you actually do care, if you behave like this imo
btw, why did you never came to cdc?
we will be there on cdc5 just like on cdc4, but with 2 changed players and a lot more practice
with 2 changes of players who are actualy from BE but from various reasons they cant go (family prob (hax detect) ), got i t now....
byebye <33
:DD we're cheating our asses off indeed
da ziffken me zen groot bakkes ! :D
da ziffken :d
You can make a diffrence(for your own games) if you figure out how.
you will see us playing just the same online as offline on "cdc5"'
we were at cdc4, where we played +- same skill level as online that time
after ziff and worm joined, we praced much, nothing to do with cheats, but with teamplay
So true jere! <3
exec reallife.cfg
ET is not for everybody equal to his reallife my friend =)
thx 4 money ;)

You have € 100 on be FiFg
You won € 765
- 5000 !!! gz cortana !!!!!!
You have € 100 on be FiFg
You won € 765
oh wp FiF
Well Enemy Territory is finally dead. About time....Can't hit anything on LAN but online how how how how!!!!
who? vanqhuis and j00f didnt paly that bad @ lan
nvm him , he is frustrated.
that bad? :) that statement means they still played shittier@lan than online imo :O
not really :) They were just as good offline as online, still got fucking raped tho. And I was surprised because I thought they was teh hax0rs
Strange they rape online harder then offline... its like matias raping offline harder then online :D
well to inform you
CDC4 team; joof vanq jere sil freedune ox
current team: joof vanq jere sil worm ziff

that might explain your problem !
3:11 meight 3:11
You have € 100 on be FiFg
You won € 765

i lold ..
GG !!
You have € 335 on hr Cor
You lost
Lekker hoor!! :)
FiF the poenersssssss <3
jere was 1 man army
Deserved. FIF pracced - Cortana didnt
omg, no comment...
gg FiF 2 on FiF i win 15
Lol FiF gewonne :) gelle blijft mij verbaze :D sterk bezig jongens
wij zijn cheaters é spiro, tis daarom da we winnne :XD
FiF = CiF
expected wp FiF
wp boys!

wordt alleen maar beter! :D <3 poeners
thx fif
You have € 31 on FiFg
You won € 237.15

thnx! wp jongens <3
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
btw... this si NOT real money you know...
You have € 700 on hr Cor
You lost

ty for moneh
ja pierdole co za chuje
lekker joof
gj fif
jere potm
joof > all tbh
but thx anyway :D
ło kurwa
You have € 25 on be FiFg
You won € 191.25

Mercikes hé fif =-)
like I predicted :)

lol I said those guys were going to win!!! :D
Are you serious please ? you losed vs FIF not FF :xxxxxx
komar < all
You have € 15 on be FiFg
You won € 114.75

kinda expected that FiFg won :), good job guys. wp worm.
Dont rlly get all this lol they won lol olol blabla cortana isnt active isnt practissing, FiF is active and practise "alot" as far as i know so>_< pretty normal they won with a close score of 4-2
Same, but who cares?

Idd, noone :)
kiss = low+ so yeah you don't care about highskillers!
At least I don't need a bot to play in EC :)
as gij da gelooft :DDD
Neen, zo low kan je niet zijn met een bot :(
wtf ?
gj 8bits
You have € 125 on Cor
You lost omg kk naabs -.-

again failed. ty cortana-.-
Nice cheats Jo0f!
very netjes gedaan!