Hodor vs back 2 kill (3503 views)

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cz Rifleman
pl WuT
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: IGLA (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5709
The bets are closed.

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Video Streams
By: WuT>/
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English / Polish

Viewer Peak: 100

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10

Overall Viewerpeak: 110


omg ,ty taky vymetes kdejakou polskou skvadru.
"Sound muted"

never forget
so sad :(( so much people went for good stats and much dmg and now theres not even the stats there :(( i feel with u boys! u wasted your time.. im so sry for u lads!! hope u can still have a good sleep! theres still games coming up where u can do 2000000k dmg and many many headshots!! dont give up!
thanks never forget
Hope I can afford oncology treatment if I sell my PC because this post gave me a cancer.

E: dammit still can't sleep :f
"Sound muted"
if u got just "one" cancer everything is fine.. in germany health insurances are giving their best to cover those costs... hope its the same for you in poland mate.. no need to stop all your hobbys with just one sellment
Here comes the 2nd cancer. I'm more than dead m8.
i feel so sorry mate! maybe a teammate revives you, oh wait..
u tell em straym8
You have € 250 on eu ho
You won € 292.5
allah akbar allah akbar
omg statistics back yes yes second dmg in my team gg
team poland XD
Jak chcesz możesz mi gile z nosa pociągnąć. Pasuje?
pewnie, ale podaj najpierw real name
Ok graczu zapraszam cie na niedzielę do zagrania z nami. Może będziesz dobry to pozwolimy ci założyć tag team poland
zalezy o ktorej, bo wiesz nie wiem jak Ty ale ja mam "zycie"


nie no bez spin Panie BloOdje! Pozdrawiam
tos kurwa dojebal rekin :XD az zapialem :Xd
Pixel Xd?
XP = Skill ... np