Fear Factory X-Fi vs overload (12073 views)

26.05.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XVII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Bartichello (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 86727
The bets have been cancelled.

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Radio Commentary
fr #heartZ.et by inviolable
By: kreska
Listen to kreska
Language: Poland
pt OnFire.mp3
By: Ballack
Listen to Ballack
Language: Portuguese

Total Slots: 550
Listener Peak: 28

Enemy Territory TV
de !#dvc-clan ETTV1
By: MadMetzi (ettvd)

de [www.sHiZo.eu] - ETTV 1
By: sHiZo (ettvd)

de #andyF1 ettv Server 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de #LoFT ETTV1
By: benJi (ettvd)
de #re-play ETTV ONE
By: synt3r (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #3 [old]
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de dropshot's ETTV
By: h3ll (ettvd)

fr ETSkup Butelek eXt-Gaming @ #Net-Servers
By: k0nny (ettvd)

fr Suck my dick & touch my balls #1
By: AZAA (ettvd)
pl Gr0m'sETTV#3
By: Gr0mz (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 456


GL overload !
GL Fear Factory !
gl FF
hf wrobel <3
what are the line up's?


I think

pl Wrobel
pl gnajda
pl r1co`
pl wiaderko
pl Frag`Stealer
pl uf0l

be lio
be Kevin
be acid
be vila
gb Sheep
fi Matias
beSheep ?????
wiesiek is inactive :( btw if wiesiek plays ff win, if not i think ovr win.
gnajda zeh hacker?
ovr > ffx-i

Izi bash !
FF nie tym razem....
? jak nie tym razem ? GL FF !!
nie dadzą rady no wiesiek no win... TO nie to ff co kiedys naprawde...
hmm... wiesiek nie rządził chyba polską sceną ET ... Tez go podziwiam lecz jest jeszcze paru naprawdę dobrych graczy i tacy są w FF ... Wiec GL ! :))
sercem za FF ale rozumem z Overload a co tam 200 € na FF :] gl &hf !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to dojebales tekst...
hard to decide on what team bet
Whats that? Loser bracket finals?
gnajda podkrec wszystko na maxa bo bedzie ciezko
gnajda allowed to hack in EC as well ? funny
yeee its sad and funny
am I banned ro smth ?
You are writing the same bullshit to every accusing comment. What has not being banned to do with the possibility you are actually hacking? Even you should know that not being banned or busted means nothing in ET nowadays.
He doesnt understand whats you are saying m8 ;e
why not? There are more like him so why shouldn't he be allowed to play?
yeah, i dont know exactly what, but i heard that on the nationscup 3v3 team poland were kicked out from the cup because the anti3 program said that gnajda hax.... so yea if its true why isnt he banned yet? somebody pls explain
izi for polish know it alls like gnajda
and you with z1na or how is his name... ofc he s nice on vent...
+ dont forget hunta
overload my favorite team ofc them!But FF can win this GL&HF
ohh I bet Ovr always, hope they don't fail me a second time! (curse that scrim vs Incomplete xd)
with wiesiek 4:2 for pl FF, without 4:0 for be ovr imo..
is wiesiek playing??
izi for Sheep<3 BTW with or without wiesiek the score its 4 be ovr cause i think they pracctice more =P
imho both teams dont practice
haha ovr hasnt prac since last EC game :DD. ff is praccing like every day I guess, they still suck.
imho ladny mecz sie zapowiada ... GL & HF
4:0 for FF! - they dont have to play with wiesiek to win !
Im afraid u're wrong
gnida karaj ;)
gl FF
gnajda bys sie wstydzil i sam odszedl a nie zasmiecasz najlepszy polski clan
<waiting for mamalukes' comment>
stfu ugly cheater
You have € 101 on pl FF X-Fi Cancel bet
Possible win: € 190.89
gnajda will own all. gl FF
all on pl Owieczka if he plays
come on pollekes..
Co by było jak by grał Gnajda i Wiesiek ?:D
Co bybylo jak by gral gnajda i wiesiek ?:D
nic by nie bylo (...) FF GL! r1co powodzenia:]
Gl Lio!
weer zon twijfelgeval :/
gnajda wh, hope you'll lose.

gl ovr
easy for ff
co wy sie tak czepiacie gnajdy? z tego co wiem nie dostal busta wiec.. stfu ;] GL FF FTW !!!!!!!
kiedys dostal ;]
gl mihau
go bucket & owca i mean wiadro & sheep!!
4:2 for ovrld i bet... they have better team work and they have also -> l i o <- ... besides they have a little bit better smg players in my opinion ... btw your comments are boring :> i mean comments with gnajda as main avatar/hero :p ... you says : "cheat/wh/aimbot/etc " bla bla bla ... pls guys, leave him alone :> its his own business... nobody knows if he is kinda cheat user
I know that he's the only one that failed with the anti3 cheatprotection.
I know that he's the only one that failed with the anti3 cheatprotection.
Gnajda has wh, or atleast he had thats for certain. But does he have an aimbot? Imho I have no-idea, I'm not saying he doesn't have aimbot, but I'm not saying he has.
i think every wallhack includes aimbot too.
Kinda funny that a polish friend to him says that. :-D
pl wiaderko, gnajda? oO
hax to teh max.
sad move to have obvious haxl0rs play for a well established team like FearFactory.
gl to uf0l tho :(
easy for lioco

hf boys
watch FFvs.ovr or POLvs.ALB?
You have € 174 on pl FF X-Fi Cancel bet
Possible win: € 487.2
>:D go!
Zeby tylko chlopaki z ff sie przylozyli . Z komentarzy wrobla wynika ze juz czesciej graja w wowa niz w et
lio! hf
You have € 309 on pl FF X-Fi
Possible win: € 1004.25

GO go FF [:
gl lio ! <3 :)
o looooooool gnajda gra............... ...... Bez Komentarza..... Ale zobaczymy co pokaze ..... FF |You Are The Best !
Powodzenia Rafal,Pawel,Maciek,Marcin, t0mek !

P.S: gn1d4, nie zapomnij tych 150 hs na mape !
(gnajda) : pojebie jebany to ze se kiedys gralem na wh na pubie to nie znaczy se haxuje kurwa debilu
(FF|wiesiek) Gnida to jest jak z dziewictwem , raz stracisz czystosc i pozamiatane . Powodzenia
only FF !! Ogien panowie!! gl
easy for overload imo.
go wrobel go
go go FF Lord wiader > all
no wiesiek no win
no wrobel no win
no gnajdano win
no wiaderko no win
no ufol no win
no Frag Stealer no win
no mrozu no win
gl ff, eat them
ff plz;p
gr0mz ile masz lat ? :@
FF is the moneymaker here ! bet on gnajda :D
almost full hold because FF forgot truck lol :P
s c o r e ? ? ?
You have been kicked and are tempblablabla

wtf, kicking people from ettv? :[ Join ^^
ovr 2:2 FF

adlernest as a decider...
2-0 over
Server padł jeszcze z niewiadomych przyczyn w kazdym razie jest to powazniejsza awaria - cały system sie rozwalil.
2-2 ... decider = adlernest
score ?
Score ?
FF 4:2 over :) thx
4:2 FF for sure kurwa
wiadro > all
gnajda i wiaderko pokazali klase bluzgajac team przeciwny na koniec panowie wstydzimy sie was
sry, ale emocje wziely gore, co nie zmienia faktu, ze oni zachowywali sie w stosunku do nas tak caly mecz.
Wiadro dla Ciebie szacun za gre , Gnajda dziwko pierdol sie ^^
pasiu STFU
FF 4ever --jestescie najlepsi !!
FF umarlo odkad gra tam gnajda ;)
You have € 60 on FF X-Fi
Possible win: € 198.6
<3 FF ;)
You have € 6000 on pl FF X-Fi
Possible win: € 19860

4-2 rly nice :D
i chuj FF bedzie mialo conflict :XDDDDD
Stupid cheaters, stupid cheaterlovers, stupid _M :(
omfg haxors beat whiners!
You have € 209 on pl FF X-Fi
Possible win: € 691.79
wp gnajda :>

no no, ur not tracking through walls the whole game
cant remember the one, i saw too many...
switching the crosshair from one enemy to the other one , plz. ban that fucktard

and wrobel, pls, why do u even play with him? go get glasses, rly
GG FF super mecz :D Naprawde ladnie zagrali :) Gnajda FTW :P
no i gites 4-2 dla FF brawo chlopaki:*
You have € 1000 on pl FF X-Fi
Possible win: € 3310

thx ff <3
poland should be proud with gnajda representing their country in ec lol..
if CB doesn't have enough proof to bust him than they better buy glasses imo
You have € 524 on be ovr
Possible win: € 749.32

rozumem byłem za overload, sercem za FF >> wypadło na inteligencję, następnym razem stawiam na intuicję.... oraz FF =)

Jakoś w ogóle nie jestem smutny przegranej kasy xD
Gnajda acc = ?
about 40 every round (?)
wiaderko save this day :D gg nice match
wiadrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :D i'm your fanboi :D
wp Polskas
wiadro n00b, wogóle to skad Ty znasz takie brzydkie slowa!? WELL PLAYED!
wiadro new talent!!!! xD
gg FF ;d
izi money:D
gtfo hax0r polak
FF >>> ALL
mpg will take it, even without ...
Lol at FF still taking gnajda :XD
everything to win..
get real....mpg and imp are way better
we will see ;)
no zobaczymy - wystarczy ze gnajda podkreci troszke botka ;)
suwak w prawo i do przodu:) powodzenia FF!:D
gg gnajda :)

gg cb :DDD
If only I won't see gnajda on a lanparty I'll always think that he's a cheater, I'm sure that most etplayers think the same..
lol at hax0rs
For everyone hating that fucking hacker, just wait for the war versus mpg.

Either it will be a big shame for him to be beaten by clean players as he's hacking himself, either he'll have to push the settings so high that EVEN CB PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO ADMIT (???? one day ??? ) that he's fucking obvious.

But anyways its really a pity that some clean players from FF (if they still are) do play with fucktards like naga & gnajda...

Aww and thx for the money gnajda, I bet on FF just because of u and it worked :D
naga was on few lans and he played quite well
every polish player supposedly has been to "a few (polish) lans"
he must do at least aimfov 360 with no humanized for cb crew to take notice
i saw shit tbh
oj pierdolicie...
Why does everyone bang on about this gnajdaTHEhaxx (with many different gamestv accounts btw) ffs ?

Guitly untill proved Innocent or what?

And please, dont try to use some anti3 cheatprotection beta thingi or stupid avis as valid proof.
o plz.
don't be that naive...
its not guilty until proven innocent cuz cb hasnt banned him cuz we say so, plz try to know what you say on jurisdictional terms

if you want to start a discussion on this, you already lost
ok sorry my fault :(
wiaderko i jego rifelka uratowal tyleczki na adlernest'cie, bo sheep byl juz blisko GG FF
dokladnie tak bylo :D i dgm jakie robi to tez kosmos , szacun :)
szacun dla calego FF graliscie super powodzenia w dalszej drodze :D
jesli gnajda jechal bez hax to tez szacun

Wrobel, r1co, ufol, SIEJCIE KARE
You have € 101 on pl FF X-Fi
You won € 334.31
THX gnajda 4 money

You have € 500 on pl FF X-Fi
You won € 1655
nie czepiajcie sie juz gnajdy : (
i guess why the polish playing their own lowskilled LAN cannot either handle the half of their online accuracy.. considerin they play versus other med skilled polish and not against top euro clans like they do online. wanna see them won the cdc5 please or at least attend it!-

from zero 2 hero from 50 to 20

( not referred to oldschool m8s uf0l or fragstealer ofc )
but gnajda cant go to lan coz his virtual sexy wendy girlfriend doesnt want to let him go ;(
(AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA its the best excuse ever used tbh, a bit like a cheater saying "its my brother". I love it)
gnajda jest jak cracovia


gg wiadro :)
You have € 174 on pl FF X-Fi
You won € 575.94
i tak ma byc :!
my money ='(
You have € 50 on pl FF X-Fi
You won € 165.5
well, who cares... they play shit even with hax, as far as they r not better than all clean players or obviously wallhacking, i dont care, because it would be my fault if i did not beat them :P
considering that you're playing with (/ used to play with) kmt and koto i'm not suprised that you don't care.
KURWA!!! pierdolony fart ;DDD i przegrana stowa ;///
poki nie zobacze go na lanie to cu, bedzie dla mnie jak i dla wielu cheaterem... taka prawda
ganjdus nie moze jechac na lana bo dziewczyna mu zabrania XD a do 4 rano mixy moze napierdalac xDDDD smiech na sali xD
thats et how i love it !
WB @ EC ovr <3