back 2 kill vs Golden Gun (2762 views)

pl WuT
pl Abj
pl hunter
pl ridji
pl b3lka
pl BloOdje
pl Skyline
pl Vi3ri
pl NRG
pl Sinnsyk
pl bAstek
ee doppler 6on6 OneDayCup
Quarter final - Bo1 - Group
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth WuTisb2k 36 kills
Killing Spree WuTisb2k 9 frags without being killed
Accountant WhoIsHeisb2k 135% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! GG SkyLine 13 gibs
...and stay dead! GG SkyLine 46% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning WuTisb2k 36 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! blkisb2k 16 SPAM kills
Fragstealer BloOdjeisb2k 160 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! GG Vi3ri 220 damage per frag
What objective? WuTisb2k 210 XP
Red Shirt blkisb2k 41 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? blkisb2k 11 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore GG D0PPPPLAH 179 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut GG Sinnsyk 4 team kills
Gingerbread man blkisb2k 11 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
GG Vi3ri66130274010117541253191170/01/214/267/620013045
GG SkyLine10015228281300549874635360/02/322/164/417816643
GG Ya491391939200733844666540/02/217/260/417812035
GG Sinnsyk5510922407046391651994290/01/219/296/417813034
GG D0PPPPLAH104182272670011543440981650/00/125/102/420115864
GG 6981314320545164126946284408791/07/1106/1029/418814144
Player Summary for karsiah_te2
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
GG Vi3ri377510275112297638011070/00/15/206/5KDKDDKDXD/KDDDDDDDKDDDKDDDDKXDTSDDKDDKK/
GG SkyLine85951720900331023431360/00/215/112/3DKKDK/K/DDK/KKDKDDKDDKDDKDDKKDKKDKDKD
GG Ya53901426200522483311540/02/212/170/2DDDDKD//DDKDDKKDKDKKKDKDD/DDKKDKDDDKDK//
GG Sinnsyk467113286023215637282710/00/110/215/4DKDDKDDDKDDDK/KKDDKDDDK/KD/DTDDXKDDDDDDKTKKD
GG D0PPPPLAH801081721500837843027970/00/115/82/4DDDK/KKDKDDK//KDK/KK/DK/KK/KDD/DKDKKDK
GG 605058314331142316371204956430/02/866/9319/21

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
GG Vi3ri130551713500524361518100/01/19/61/1K/DKKKDDK/K/KDKDKKK/KDK/DKKKKD
GG SkyLine1375711840021885120400/02/17/52/1XDKD/KKKK/KKDKDKKDKD
GG Ya384951300021136135500/00/05/90/2DDKDK/DDKKD/DDKDDD
GG Sinnsyk75389121023176014711580/01/19/81/0T/KKTDD/KD/KKDDDKKDKKDD
GG D0PPPPLAH20074105200316501071680/00/010/20/0KDKK/KKKKKKD/K/
GG 10930860621402181057579452361/05/440/3810/4

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
bAstekGoldyngun [Warmup]: czemu IGIEL z wami nie gra?
BloOdjeisb2k [Warmup]: bo jest smietnikiem
bAstekGoldyngun [Warmup]: szkoda chlopaka
bAstekGoldyngun [Warmup]: bo podobno do robacka cv wyslal
GG Sinnsyk [Warmup]: fin|twidi: Office
GG Sinnsyk [Warmup]: Pixelowsky: Bez wh to chuj nie gra...
GG Sinnsyk [Warmup]: >>l4z: dobre lugery z colta
riddickisb2k [Warmup]: roll the bones
GG Vi3ri [Countdown]: hf
bAstekGoldyngun [Countdown]: i poszli
bAstekGoldyngun [Countdown]: konie
GG SkyLine [Countdown]: fun
GG Sinnsyk [Countdown]: milego grania chlopaki
[10:34]: Allies capture the Old City!
riddickisb2k [10:26]: :XD
riddickisb2k [10:26]: :XD
riddickisb2k [10:26]: :XD
[9:48]: Allies have captured the Old City!
[9:48]: Allies have destroyed the Old City Door!
[7:34]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
[7:33]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
[7:34]: ulumuluisb2k disconnected
GG Sinnsyk [7:33]: wut wyjdz na chwile
[7:33]: Allies team locked from spectators by bAstekGoldyngun
[7:33]: Allies team locked by GG D0PPPPLAH
[7:33]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 180 seconds!
WuTisb2k [7:33]: wchodzi gracz
[7:33]: Match resuming in 165 seconds!
WuTisb2k [7:33]: po zemste
[7:33]: Match resuming in 150 seconds!
[7:33]: szotkiefka connected
[7:33]: Match resuming in 135 seconds!
GG SkyLine [7:33]: kurwa
[7:33]: szotkiefka disconnected
GG SkyLine [7:34]: pisze do admina
[7:33]: szotkiefka connected
GG Sinnsyk [7:33]: ridji not allowed
bAstekGoldyngun [7:33]: TEZ
bAstekGoldyngun [7:34]: juz gral
[7:33]: Match resuming in 120 seconds!
GG Ya [7:33]: jestescie u Pani
GG Vi3ri [7:33]: ban i chuj
GG SkyLine [7:33]: 10 razy ban
bAstekGoldyngun [7:33]: igla zrobi porzadek
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: vieri
bAstekGoldyngun [7:34]: dzwonie do niego
GG SkyLine [7:33]: w 10 temach
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: tyy to zamknij morde
WuTisb2k [7:33]: igieu to moze
GG Vi3ri [7:33]: blo0dje ale sklej pizde
GG Sinnsyk [7:33]: :XD
[7:33]: Match resuming in 105 seconds!
GG SkyLine [7:33]: xD
GG SkyLine [7:33]: D
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: smietniku
GG Sinnsyk [7:33]: fin|twidi: Office
GG Sinnsyk [7:33]: Pixelowsky: Bez wh to chuj nie gra...
GG Sinnsyk [7:33]: Pixelowsky: Bez wh to chuj nie gra...
GG Sinnsyk [7:33]: Pixelowsky: Bez wh to chuj nie gra...
GG Sinnsyk [7:33]: Pixelowsky: Bez wh to chuj nie gra...
GG Ya [7:33]: xD
GG Vi3ri [7:33]: dziura tam
GG SkyLine [7:33]: skleic?
GG SkyLine [7:33]: moze zaszyc
GG SkyLine [7:33]: xD
[7:33]: Match resuming in 90 seconds!
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: juz matka wiereigo
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: sie zaszyla
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: i to konkretnie
GG Sinnsyk [7:33]: ale przepila zaszywke :XD
GG Vi3ri [7:33]: twoj stary ma w dupie wszywke
[7:33]: Match resuming in 75 seconds!
GG SkyLine [7:33]: xD
WuTisb2k [7:33]: xD
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: a twoja stara
GG SkyLine [7:33]: xD
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: mojego kutasa
GG SkyLine [7:33]: wszywka
GG SkyLine [7:33]: xD
WuTisb2k [7:33]: lecone
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: w dupie
GG Vi3ri [7:33]: jak ty nie masz kutasa
[7:33]: Match resuming in 60 seconds!
GG Vi3ri [7:33]: tylko 3 jajka
GG Sinnsyk [7:33]: powiem tak
GG Sinnsyk [7:33]: wy nie wiecie co to zycie
GG Ya [7:33]: a na lanie i tak wodke byscie pili razem
bAstekGoldyngun [7:33]: kApot rules: Vieri mom can play everywhere
[7:33]: Match resuming in 45 seconds!
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: gra i pluje zespol chuje
GG Sinnsyk [7:33]: czaku ma telefon sluzbowy, ma magistra
WuTisb2k [7:33]: xDDDD
GG SkyLine [7:33]: xD
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: vieriego matka to sie nadaje na jedna pozycje
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: 69
hunterisb2k [7:33]: :XDDD
[7:33]: Match resuming in 30 seconds!
GG Sinnsyk [7:33]: magister czaku po Was przyjdzie !
GG Ya [7:33]: jak chcesz lizac miejsce skad wyszedl vieri
[7:33]: Match resuming in 15 seconds!
GG Ya [7:33]: to gratuljue
GG Vi3ri [7:33]: blodji
GG Sinnsyk [7:33]: :XD
[7:33]: szotkiefka disconnected
[7:33]: szotkiefka connected
GG Vi3ri [7:33]: twoja stara to ulica a moj chuj to kubica
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: spoko
[7:33]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: wariacie
[7:33]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[7:33]: FIGHT!
[7:33]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
bAstekGoldyngun [7:33]: !kick szotkiefka
GG Sinnsyk [7:33]: !warn haxy
[7:33]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: ty wieri bo kopnelem twoja matke w jajca
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: i co tera
GG Vi3ri [7:33]: ale zamknij kurwo morde
[7:33]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
GG Vi3ri [7:33]: dziwko bez honoru
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: liz mi chuja
GG Vi3ri [7:33]: jebana na 3 ciapackie baty
BloOdjeisb2k [7:33]: biedaku
[7:33]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
GG Vi3ri [7:33]: biedAKU]
GG Vi3ri [7:33]: XDDD
[7:33]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[7:33]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[7:33]: FIGHT!
bAstekGoldyngun [5:57]: <kApot> its win for us
[3:47]: Allies have transmitted the North Documents!
GG D0PPPPLAH [3:15]: d:D
BloOdjeisb2k [2:53]: 8D
BloOdjeisb2k [2:53]: 8D
BloOdjeisb2k [2:52]: 8D
BloOdjeisb2k [2:52]: 8D
bAstekGoldyngun [0:36]: arta
bAstekGoldyngun [0:35]: hassana
bAstekGoldyngun [0:34]: :XD
[0:02]: Allies have transmitted both Documents!
[0:02]: Allies have transmitted the South Documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 11:58
GG SkyLine [Intermission]: XD
GG Sinnsyk [Intermission]: izi
GG Sinnsyk [Intermission]: :XD
blkisb2k [Intermission]: gg
GG Ya [Intermission]: xD
bAstekGoldyngun [Intermission]: but we won already
BloOdjeisb2k [Intermission]: vieri
BloOdjeisb2k [Intermission]: jebana cioto
riddickisb2k [Intermission]: HQ
GG Vi3ri [Warmup]: bludi miernoto
GG Sinnsyk [Warmup]: ale kapote zagralem
GG Sinnsyk [Warmup]: porazka
BloOdjeisb2k [Warmup]: jestem pijany jak twoja matka
GG Vi3ri [Warmup]: chyba jak swoja
GG Vi3ri [Warmup]: frajerska taco
GG Vi3ri [Warmup]: =)
BloOdjeisb2k [Warmup]: twoj stary frajer
BloOdjeisb2k [Warmup]: swiadek koronny
GG Vi3ri [Warmup]: twoj stary to cwel
GG Vi3ri [Warmup]: rozjebal sie na mase
bAstekGoldyngun [Warmup]: xD
BloOdjeisb2k [Countdown]: wieri
BloOdjeisb2k [Countdown]: twoja stara mi lize stopy
GG Vi3ri [Countdown]: morda prawiczku
[11:12]: Allies capture the Old City!
[11:11]: Axis reclaimed the Old City!
[11:09]: Allies capture the Old City!
[11:06]: Axis reclaimed the Old City!
BloOdjeisb2k [10:59]: wieri
BloOdjeisb2k [10:57]: dobre minki
[10:56]: Allies capture the Old City!
BloOdjeisb2k [10:52]: jebany zerze XD
bAstekGoldyngun [10:52]: XD
BloOdjeisb2k [10:43]: kurwa co za idiota
GG Vi3ri [10:42]: twoja stara ma robione miny jak idzie do monopola
BloOdjeisb2k [10:41]: ja pierdole
GG Vi3ri [10:39]: tyle razy jebana tam byla
BloOdjeisb2k [10:35]: ty jebany kuraw bezmogu
BloOdjeisb2k [10:33]: pluje ci do mordy
[10:31]: Allies have destroyed the Old City Door!
[10:31]: Allies have captured the Old City!
[7:18]: Allies have transmitted the North Documents!
GG SkyLine [7:06]: kurwa
GG SkyLine [7:05]: co tam robisz
GG SkyLine [7:04]: kurwa
WhoIsHeisb2k [7:01]: DOKI\
GG SkyLine [6:59]: xD
GG SkyLine [6:59]: XD
GG SkyLine [6:59]: XD
GG SkyLine [6:58]: XD
WhoIsHeisb2k [6:56]: Donosilem geniuszu
BloOdjeisb2k [6:50]: 8D
GG SkyLine [6:16]: gg
GG Sinnsyk [6:15]: gg
GG SkyLine [6:13]: ridji hax
blkisb2k [6:10]: gg
bAstekGoldyngun [6:10]: easy win
bAstekGoldyngun [6:07]: forfait
[6:03]: Allies have transmitted the South Documents!
[6:03]: Allies have transmitted both Documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 5:55 (original: 11:58)
[Intermission]: GG Ya disconnected
[Intermission]: GG SkyLine disconnected
WuTisb2k [Intermission]: forfait
[Intermission]: blkisb2k disconnected
BloOdjeisb2k [Intermission]: pan bludje
[Intermission]: WuTisb2k disconnected
GG Sinnsyk [Intermission]: na suply
[Intermission]: GG D0PPPPLAH disconnected
BloOdjeisb2k [Intermission]: naprany
GG Sinnsyk [Intermission]: byscie nie istnieli :D
[Intermission]: GG Vi3ri disconnected
[Intermission]: WhoIsHeisb2k disconnected
[Intermission]: riddickisb2k disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.