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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: WuT>/ (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 7482
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Video Streams
By: WuT>/
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English / Polish

Viewer Peak: 27

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12

Overall Viewerpeak: 39


not sure if hodor or hoshit
i prefer hodorIT.
I prefer IGLAcarriedlikealways
not true, igla is a hard worker
Oah :( Ass hurts again?
4-2 I won, after that

IGLA: rothi want offi?

Tell me more about it
It's funny how he stopped spamming irc channels and on crossfire and just pms 50 people 50 times every hour to try and get an offi
It's funny you still comment every game at gtv or crossfire since you are not part of it, just mad kiddo :p and no i dont really spam 50 people as u follow our games u can see we got bunch of mercs and we mostly play with them, cu :p
Yeah, I'm because you are too fucking ugly to comment on here and you keep spamming me on IRC while I got you in ignore you fucking inbred egghead looking gremlin
naaah :p
don't say gremlin
inb4 pl IGLA playing with Gremlins tommrow
Dobra flaga :D
At first I thought they messed up teams. Then I saw how stupid I am.
How stupid I was, I mean.
GL Ghodor
Have fun WuT!
Belczynski & WuT do wora z nimi!
gl b2k
p.s. bludi to meliniarz
Cancel this match. Igla without ac