Impact Gaming vs NecroRaisers (7549 views)

ee r3vers
mt toxic
ee Night
de snoop
si JaKaZc
cz pecka
cz flash
sk filuS
cz cromer
cz esti
cz iMp
ESL Major Series: Groupstage Matchday 1
27.05.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Major Series Season II
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: smOke (Generaladmin)
Maps: Bremen_b2
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Total Pot: € 22235
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Radio Commentary
cz TeamPlay Radio
By: smOke
Listen to smOke
Language: Czech

Total Slots: 250
Listener Peak: 30

Enemy Territory TV
de [] - ETTV 1
By: sHiZo (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 2
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de #fayntic ETTV 2
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de #LoFT ETTV1
By: benJi (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #4 [old]
By: h3ll (ettvd)
fr Suck my dick & touch my balls #1
By: AZAA (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 153


gg impact
You have € 60 on cz NR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 3021.6
all my money on NR!!!!
gogo NR!
NR ftw
NR have a chance
You have € 407 on cz NR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 4794.46
GL NR & filuS !
lineup cz NR:
You have € 304 on Impact
Possible win: € 313.12

own them hard Impact:P
You have € 300 on cz NR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 4140
pointless :D
NecroRaisers have fun :D 30 mins asssrape
we just hope they will rape us as quick as possible :)
are you fucking kidding me ???
what is the point of your post man?
bah. first, it looks weird Impact Gaming ( second best team in ET after mPG ) and they are going to play against Neicro Raiser
3rd best, FF owns both with their superstar gnajda
still dont understand you man, its W:ET tournament! You want to develop some kind of rules that disable teams to play better teams? Think about it
nah, becvause it\s unfair :| anyway gl necro
ettv ?
gl filus
2 izi 4 flash <3
You have € 10 on cz NR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 178.8
those groups are ridicioulus or however u wanna spell it. Dear ESL, why dont u make a group for the "good" teams and a group for the "underdogs" ?
I dont see group for you!
there have been national and international qualifiers to find these teams, so every team had a chance to get there where they are now
whole EMS is ridiculous
LOL you kidding? pls...
ROOOFL sm0ku hod sa do klidu woe
A ty me moc neser :) mas drzet palce nasim zastupcum a ne roflovat hezka vizitka cze na GTV fakt
IMPACT lineup?
GL NR :)
necroraiser (maybe):crome, esti, filuS, Flash, JafiX, iMp
impact (maybe)²:JaKaZc, r3vers, RELOAd, snoop, toxic ,night
forfeit or reshedule dont know yet
oh :/ hope you can play this match
too late for reschedule
haha how u desperately hope for a forfeit
guyz stay cool, no need to flaming. Hope match will be played, if you have players ready late believe NR will w8 if it will be not hour+ - people want to see that! :)
whats the problem snoop? who's missing?
u can rape us in 5, i dont want forfeit...
too much easy for Impact, but gl NR!
who would actually bet on NR =/, it's just stupid to lose money like that =/
eeh is the game going to be played or not?
you have € 45 on cz NR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 907.65

ahaha :p nice
gl Filus
score :P
good goldrush!!! NR go go
jen tak dal pekna hra :-)
jj, souhlasim, goooood game gold rush, jen tak dal, impe, peknej vykon u NR.
jak vypadal gr? po prvnim kole na bremen jsem to vypnul
udrzali ich tak 10 minut a na utoku skoro mali zlato nalozene tesne to nevyslo
Nice match NR
no shit
really good match nr skoda na gr
You have € 50 on Impact
You won € 52.5

wp NR! what a tense moments! looking forward to next matches guyz
cz Flash
cz Rednoss
cz desiRable
cz Ripman
cz cromer

only know this sq :/
this one is promising too believe me, oldschoolers with newschoolers ;)
there shit mate, and there ego is 10x bigger than there skill.
lol you dont know them so you are rly not responsible for these kind of fake judgement dude
Iv played them loads of times, Im in the perfect position, a better position that you even because im not biased.
Si nemyslim, ze to bylo nejaky extra, aniz bych chtel hanit nr, hrali jste pekne (hallo flash)... ale na bremenu v podstate r3vers nehral, dost dlouho stal na spawnu a na goldu mi prislo, ze to impact hraje jak public, zadna krec, jen si tam blbnuli. Takze fakt zadny "nr skoro dali golda impactu". Nechali filuse udelat nejaky pekny scenky do movie, ale to je tak asi vsechno, co se z krevet da udelat.
ja myslim ze ten gr nezabalili ,spis vseobecne malo trenujou jako vetsina soucasnych EC teamu...a mozna to bylo poznat na jejich hre ale nebyli schopni predvest "nejakej" spawnkill proto jsme nastavili docela slusnej cas,navic skoda me hrubky pod tim mostem kdyz jsme nesli zlato impovi jsem mel dat kill rev nebo ho pushnout =( nvm co se da delat....
no nevim, mozna to nekdo videl uplne jinak, ale ja jsem tam pozoroval casto nighta, jak si tam tusim jeste s toxicem zkouseli hazet nalety, fakt mi to prislo jak kdyby si tam hrali a zbytek vas tak nejak drzel :) Se zlatem to byla skoda, to byl i docela luck, fakt to bylo tesny :) A vase drzeni trucku taky pekny, ale ja nevim, proste mi to prislo takove naoko... snoop tam trenoval panzu, zbytek lital nejak kolem, takovy divny mi to prislo :) Kdyz bych to rovnal s bremenem, tak tam jeli celkem tvrde, pak povolili.
ajeje odbornik :)
/egoquit plz
unknown command, please check your syntax
bremen povodili hlavne kvoli tomu copsovi no, ale co ine sa aj dalo cakat? ze budu hrat do plnych alebo co? Dopadlo to tak, ako sa predpokladalo
presne tak, objevujeme znovu ameriku :)