Hodor vs Team Keen (3485 views)

pl buggs
cz Rifleman
pl topek
fr StrAf
nl kApot
pl ridji
se Weslann
nl outlAw
de Ava
16.12.15 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: IGLA (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 6692
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


moge ich pozabijac jak cos
Mais quel grosse merde ce straf...
nice dds
wp guyz, 2:2
I would actually really like to hear what does this actually give you? :D
I won't let to ruin this beautiful game by these cheaters, nbs admin told me dat he detected a cheater in this team. Igla confired it so it has to be true.
lol 2 biggest nerds igla and bobika couldnt beat one another fucking sad nerds LMAO when are u gona get good at this game like me and suck cock until teams let you play for them
almost forgot the weslan cunt plays all day for 20392 teams and still sucks ballz lol what
its almost 2016 scrubs LMAOget good
you suck cock? :D
u got brain cancer or something?

plz nerd play more oh wait forgot u cant cuz u already on the pc 24/7 mad NERD LOL LMAO
after u done getting raped in this ez game come clean my toilet faggot fuk
Wonder whether it's ipod? :D
whoever it is does a very bad impression of phOkuz.
nigga plz ipod hahahh that nerds as much nerd as u r LMAO
hows it watching vods on gamestv all day goin nerd?
nice lief lo LMAO
Yep you caught me
hodor losing from phareons now a tie against tkeen is igla losing the power
Would win the 3rd map :s

Goldrush was troll :S