Hodor vs Supski (4569 views)

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pl h2o
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gb darkrider
gb fumble
nl IceQ
fr Snatix
se Tites
22.12.15 20:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: IGLA (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3960
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


gl Snatix.
haha dickrider
noobs :s
ski Fubuki MD [Warmup]: h2o, the self proclaimed guy who is "good" in rtcw ":D"

Depends on what do you claim is being good at it, since you are freaking awful at ET and RTCW(eventho u are that busted retard lOl)
true dat h2o, mark words of anexis/idle/TLR bobika he know what ET is

PS. link to h2o ban please mr. bobika
I can post a link to your mom sucking my nutsack and your picture next to it so you can see they are the same shape.
Mature answer.
Come and clean up my shoes they dirty just like your mother.
no arguments so you started insulting, pretty sad :<
Quality response from some idiot who's apparently using a riflecam to try and learn to play rifle because he's too retarded to do it without. I can understand your need to insult others though, considering you nerd the shit out of this game and you're still bollocks.
Hey hey boy, stop trying to shit talk when you're worse than some jaymod players oioi boy

Quote who's apparently using a riflecam to try and learn to play rifle because he's too retarded to do it without.

best quote I ever got :DDDDDDDDDD
I never even claimed to be good. I'm just stating for the amount of hours you seem to nerd this game, you're doing awfully shit at it :D

Not sure if you can use it as a quote if you're the one that said it but whatever.
That's about damn right since you suck donkey balls at it after years of nerding lmao, I'm not doing awfully at it, just a stupid thought by a clueless retarded fucker (are you another of those polaks stealing a living in UK btw? hahahahahahaha)

I rather wrote it to troll stupid fuckers just like you so I could laugh at your incredible stupidity hahaha
you are bobika, you are :(
lol who the fuck you think you are mada fakar piece of shit stop acting like ur skilled and somehow good since ur just a fucking ugly askfuck skinny nerd without a life and and im pretty sure without a gf maybe ur mother but thats the only pussy u would get to see xD its ok to have ego sometimes but when ur low+ with the ego of an med+ player well then we have a problem here. My point is that you should keep in mind that anyway ur shit and you should've quit this game long time ago but like i said before ur shit and ur always going to be shit. <3

EDIT: "I rather wrote it to troll stupid fuckers just like you so I could laugh at your incredible stupidity hahaha"
Funny from a wanabe nerd busted no?
Bob <3
true dat
BOBiKA verbally murkin' kids on gtv.
this guy suggested i am shit in both et and rtcw then he got anal raped in 6v6 and you czech star, you should play more with other good czech players, oh i forgot... sorry.
good banter this is what i like to see chaps

unfortunately u all suck compared to me
fumble m8 wot going on with the Chelsea
dunno man, I can see the season turning around for the good tho! (especially with a good signing or two in January!) :)
I asked Guus to manage Chelsea. He said yes.
Cheers man, I appreciate the effort.
The old fart fucked up for NL. Hopefully he can do well for Chelsea to end his career.
His last three jobs, he fucked them all up lol
oscar gotta go hes garbage
XD nerds raging