SWIAT WEDLUG KIEPSKICH vs Thug Life (2929 views)

pl wizzard
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tr symbol
de reAz
de Mabuse
22.01.16 23:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: Joka. (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 4461
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 3


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jebane low
Wzięli sobie kurwy merca z team ger i tylko siedzieli po 30 sekund na q i e na każdym rogu to graj na takie scierwa :C
prosze cie jak on prawie w ogole nie gra w et :)
Na minusy przegrali hahahahahahahahahaha
Ciekawe jakbys ty zagrał ;) panie 8 lat et co jedno offi zagrał a kurwa jebany gmoch na gtv ciągle
buahaha, za Gmocha masz propsa, gdzie tu jest lubie to? :D
Wypraszam sobie nie 8 lat, a 10 i nie jedno offie a 3.
Poza tym mowilem Ci ze offie to zaden wyznacznik skila, przynajmniej nie pcham sie z moim low skilem na gtv na sile po to by dostac od jakis minusow i potem sie spinac jak ty warzywniaku :) lecz nadal uwazam ze gram lepiej od Ciebie.
"lecz nadal uwazam ze gram lepiej od Ciebie" bo jebne :X
Pokazales ostatnio klase :) musi to w koncu do Ciebie dotrzec ze Poznaniak > Warszawiak
:D b00m, 1:1 w lajkach
Tak szczerze to chyba po prostu ludzie > warszawiacy
low vs low can't even speak
i would understand it when you say symbol mabuse etc.. low but reAz?

u dont have a chance against him
du dreckiger kleiner polake, stecke dir deine alkohoflasche in den Arsch bis du elendig blutig verreckst du verhurter lowbob
zamknij jebana niemiecka kurwo morde
my shit is better than u son of a trash. die and look how your womans are fuckin in anus u stupid cunt
i don't need to skillbo0st from low - on grush to physic++ on b4 and supply... but i will promise you, if we play you again i will load my hax and spawncamp you untill 1 min is left and then you can kill me again..
just dont isult Poland u trash 2k14 player
whatever.. better pray to allah that we don't play you again

allah is pedo + u just selfbusted yourself xd ban incomming
stop talking about allah and respect all religions u faggot.. or do you see that i said jesus is the biggest faggot??.. when kids talking
selfbust? show me
Kitt said : "... but i will promise you, if we play you again i will load my hax and spawncamp you untill 1 min is left and then you can kill me again.. "
so what? i play on my server and i will deny any logs and stuff.. i will use a fake name like symbol..
reaz der schlingel ist wieder zurück, gg
kurwa nie po to oddaje team zebys dostawal wpierdol od muzulmanow