JEAN vs rushit eSports (6824 views)

fr LeMoufl
fr mtz
fr StrAf
fr didi
fr ReturneR
se Weslann
be chry
gb jam
gb koop
gb razz
gb sqzz
pl WuT

'xD Trickjump, 10th Anniversary
UB - Round 2

#ET:U - Bracket - Facebook


that is one massive nerd lineup on the right, get a life stop gaming fs (apart from crumbs u coolm8)
we can play @ 22.00 cet, we will not be 6 before. Foreigner can you move the time please.
Je pense qu'il en a rien a carrer cet admin de merde.
again no sqzz ? :<
gav will be playing :)
add me on his team, need to carry him 8)
avi for JEAN pm me
reschedule to wednesday @ 21.00 cet (razz and me both agree for this)
You have € 8000 on fr rushit Cancel bet
Possible win: € 8480
woop woop
Gl rushit, as if u need it! my old gaming buddies got thisss
Rushit-IGLA avi . Cya have fun.
./q igi
avi french mates
Me and weslan = win
gl jam :)
omg WuT omg
haha poorlak clean UK bathroom
for poorlak big negros dick inside ur anus u stupid stinky unhealthy hamburger
Whiteflag like in WWII
jam with that lanskill.

Overall Viewerpeak: 105

ET IS ALIVE !!!!!!
no Bowler no win