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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: mEnace (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 1265
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By: mEnace
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: Dutch

Viewer Peak: 14

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 5

Overall Viewerpeak: 19


H2o dozobaczenia w czwartek.
You have € 15 on eu iO
You won € 1264.95
[19:47] <Rong> was fun anyway, lets do this again some other time when i find teammates who dont drop their brain during 2 first maps
doppler and ipod arent exactly rocket scientists in this game what did you expect?
One day people will eventually catch up and realise there is a thing that everyone hits differently and it isn't all down to aim :c
ah, the ol' he-doesnt-have-better-aim-just-better-hit-reg argument

people have been telling themselves this for years, it's not true and certainly isn't some new discovery
Well, how come that still the good aimers that "hit well" online also happen to hit well on LANs aswell? Example comparing mAus's lan performances to his online performance.
Because if you mention the best aimer in ET's history it obviously won't be true :p

You should hit the same like other players at lan - which proves the point why some players werent able to get 75% K/D smg ratio (Abject said bye to his 80kills/25deaths online)
yea that 80kills/25deaths had nothing to do with the fact he cheated online LOL
Check maus aim during lan and even more during last match. Then say It again. He said that the Mouse is a problem (he got sensei now), because It got an acceleration. Yea, It Has. But his previous mose got the same acceleration (Both mouses got avago 9500) and when u compare his aim in 2012 Or even in 2013 during the streams, u will see the difference. I dont really respect bobika, but in this case hes Right. Belive It Or not

Moreover check out krestis performance during the lan and his last games online. He's stiil a beast for sure, but during the lan he was an ultra beast. There is one difference (and I don't mean 140hz monitors tbh). Belive it or not.

<flame to come>
Pretty sure the monitor was the reason for the better LAN performance though ;)
Imo, the difference is too big,but ok
XD ipod worst player ever

GG WP iOwn