Hodor vs #erAse.et Runo<3 (3645 views)

pl h2o
pl Kirej
gb sqzz
gb razz
be chry
de Ava
nl esSe
fi toNy
nl vANQ
be PlAyer
01.02.16 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: IGLA (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 6597
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


You have € 2000 on eu ho
Possible win: € 3360

nice odds, enjoy money
You have € 2195 on eu ho
You lost

I feel u
be chry

nl iNsAne
nl outlAw
gb razz
pl Kirej

Its ok, i would be proud as well if my allstar team would win over a good german team while i was the worst on the server.
Its ok, i feel your pain, even in my room now. After being ignored so many times when you tries to play with Hodor you gotta be mad already so probably that's why you start with those bullshit comments like some kiddo. I'm really not mad i can understand how frustrating is loosing 90 percent of your games even vs our mixes with irc people :p np.

PS. Tell be brainiac why i was the lowest at server? You mean dmg, cause i wasnt the lowest one, maybe i did something wrong with your concept of ET gameplay? Please exaplain Testi so i can fix those mistakes, thanks EC/OC/NC/LAN winner for any tips.
oh now i realized that i'm glad to be banned from #hodor.et

Considering the amount of shit you try to do for dmg (e.g. planting landmines that are useless - most of the time), camping on the bridge and shooting rifle second or waiting long and shooting into first (or trying toNyy's shots because you are too retarded to come up with your own) is funny - other maps are completely irrelevant because you are actually absolutely worthless on any other map.

You never built the tank in the entire history of your 500 offis either, so stop spreading bullshit about teamplay when gav/razz always do 90% of the shit for you and kirej simply commits to doing the obj because he knows you're fucking useless
Appreaciate all tips, now ill be way much better, thanks bobi

PS. Rifleshot from bridge/tank to 1st axis spawn or the one from allies spawn to 2nd? Don't think non of them are 'toNy's rifle' or anyone else besides ET programmers , but they are not usefull mostly :p
oh now i realized that i'm glad to be banned from #hodor.et


see you lan igi!
It's funny how this nerd plants so many landmines to get dmg and landmine kills to compensate for his shit rifling and he's still fucking shit hahahahah
Igla worst etplayer Alive . Cya have fun
chupar minas bolhas!
Hmmm i want to make vote for ban IGLA from every leagues cups etc. its democracy isnt it?
et serious business
if there was a crossfire award for most hated who would it be hmhmhm :D
At least Igla got to play with Sqzz, razz and chry...