rushit eSports vs Yermanz (6728 views)

28.02.16 21:00 CET

good luck boys!
gl guys
how do I join the cup?
kick chry and take his place
idd, maybe rushit will win then..
I'm not sure if rushit would accept me, I mean chry is not that good, but I prefer rifle and they have one already.
I was hoping I can still sign up, me and my friends from server would like to play :P
I was hoping I can still sign up, me and my friends from server would like to play :P
gl sjoco
gl kReSti ! :D
gl Vinx ! :D
gl belhu ! :D
thx, bon ça y est j'ai mon ordi, vendredi je vais chez orange pour installer internet voilà :) t'as réussi à trouver une team ?
Edit : j'ai testé le jeu ça bug :/ j'abandonne xD
Edit : j'ai testé le jeu ça bug :/ j'abandonne xD
gl Rong
gl both teams :P
gl kusti
gl both teams :)
You have 121 on de Yermanz
Possible win: 393.25
easy money razz suck :D
stray best 2k16 ET :D
Possible win: 393.25
easy money razz suck :D
stray best 2k16 ET :D
ty fan, all my skills for u mate
Yes, finally nice to see u winning something! After all uve worked for it many many years
ty mate, ive been working so hard the last weeks, feeling so stronk now
we had alot of bootcamps and several 1o1 aim Trains with stray,
Thanks to our Sponsor: for supporting us and making stray a better Player
Thanks to our Sponsor: for supporting us and making stray a better Player
*the best player
2nd best eng* hopefully Bl4d3 will be a part of the nominations for 2k16, he is working hard on it, and even stray is giving him lessons how to aim and to track, for example supply 1st stage up on (axis) stray is teaching him how to move the crosshair perfectly and to dodge the incoming nades form the tunnel... lets just hope stray got enough time to teach Bl4d3 aka Oscar, that we see Bl3d3 in the next Nominations for this year
:D hes paying much, i promised him he will be a big candidate
You have 250 on de Yermanz
You won 812.5
ez, these nerds playing csgo too much
You won 812.5
ez, these nerds playing csgo too much
No R0th, no win!
replay of my stream on YouTube: