Elysium vs rushit eSports (12098 views)

nl GiZmOoO
nl hayaa
nl iNsAne
be Jere
nl outlAw
nl Sebhes
be chry
gb koop
gb razz
gb R0SS
gb sqzz
fr yokoo

'xD Trickjump, 10th Anniversary
LB - Final

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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: 'xD Trickjump, 10th Anniversary Cup: 6on6 » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: Sebhes (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 37582
The bets are closed.

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Video Streams
By: MerlinatoR
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English
By: bossik
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Language: Dutch
By: bossik
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: Dutch

Viewer Peak: 78

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 30

Overall Viewerpeak: 108


GL Elysium :))))
R0SS ? Really ?

GL Elysium btw
these guys will continue playing till they are dead
And you will continue comment every game when they playing. Cwelu
QuoterAz: :P:P
rAz: gona rek u
rAz: fucker
Sebhes: :DDDD
rAz: mark my words

Let's see how much these words really mean. Talk is cheap
so is your watch h3h3h3h3h3
Haha caught u mirin my snaps
razz uber damager yes
Total Slots: 12,000

hope it's going to be enough
lmao :DDD let's hope nobody has to spec this on replay cuz so few slots and so many viewers :DD

a gift for the community xo
still cutting it a bit too close imo
Yokoo the man who stabbed Elysium in the back
gl yokoo hope osu! is with you
gl bloodje
Gl yokoo
avi to replace someone
avi to replace bloodje if he replaces someone
avi to replace Aq if he replaces BloOdje if he replace someone from rushIT
Interesting game :D
Steek hoer
avi to replace chry, heard that sebhes is going to hunt him down
24 hours and I'm back in shape
24 hours to get back in shape, but it only takes 1 offi vs igla to make you quit again :s
is it worth to install cgac and et just to uninstal it after loose ;(?
give the guy a break already lol
saying igieu forever carried hope i will see you at lan so i can fart on your face
podobno igła ma z 25 cm w łapie, więc miałbyś szansę nie paść po 1 ciosie
No to jest remis, bo bloodje tak samo ma 25 cm w łapie. Zacięty pojedynek się szykuje.
You make my day :D
o kurwa sami znawcy a nawet z nory sie nie wynurza XD pluje wam w ryj a ty blachy proponuje na korki z angielskiego isc
Bylem juz na lanie a ciebie nie bylo. Nawet jakbym sie "wynurzył z nory" to co bys zrobil? Podbił do mnie i stałbys jak słup(nie zebym nazywal sie jakims typem 45 w lapie, ale na ciebie nie trzeba nawet 30), prawda w oczy kole.
bym ci naplul na morde a co
zawyzowy level wydzielania kretyniny, czesc kolejna :D
Overall Viewerpeak: 1,002,000
be mAus permanently retired? :(

Total Slots: 1,002,000

Reality: 60
gl mon gros!!
avi with my bro bladebaguette to replace chry and sqzz
all in against Sebhes
Doesn't matter Sebhes, chry still won LAN
296 people are upset :[
You have € 1250 on eu Elysium
You won € 3137.5
You have € 250 on fr rushit
You lost
I mean it's OK to lose but that was just am embarrassing loss...
Yokoo undercover
New team to beat :)
Especialy if they win from germans too
You have € 4533 on eu Elysium
You won € 11377.83
You have € 100 on eu Elysium
You won € 251

Sebehes I believed
elysium ~ succidamQue [5:29]: hodor > rushit confirmed
you made a rhyme

get off his dick
dont pronounce it like that m8
jerry carry still rhymes
sounds closer to yereh in english =D
do you edit every single comment?
shut up idiot
hey this is a private conversation between me and rapz
Only with you on my team
I ain't paying for it
mexico, by order of future president donald j trump