'xD Mixjump, vs Hodor (4413 views)

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nl Sebhes
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: Sebhes (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3635
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Video Streams
By: Sebhes
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: German
By: Sebhes
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English/Polish

Viewer Peak: 23

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11

Overall Viewerpeak: 34


GL 'xD

my bet for you igla
You have € 1 on eu ho
Possible win: € 13.76

e: its 6v6 lol :'(
its 6s :p

e: nais!
qu'est ce que tu deviens negro??
suce ma bite?
d bar!!
man, mi ou fin avril, je débarque à Strasbourg, si t chaud !! :)
tiens moi au jus sur FB je t'accueille :)
depends if he benches me :s
gg i thought this one gonna be deleted aswell ;s
Mate sebhes just lost a 3v3 against me easyyy
After all these years, still can't find the reply button :D
onzen cherry is nen speciale jongen, geef hem wat tijd
link or never happened :s
chry dictator part 2
tails bremen heads frost , when the cointoss comes up to tails that means bremen kiss kiss if it was head we would have played frost. thats the meaning of a cointoss not when you lose it you will still play your map
so not true dictator, we agreed for frost as 3rd with Sebhes before game, we could play bremen after ,same as in last game when we gotta change map for sd cause of prince chry
decider gets agreed when its 2-2 not before a game my lady igla , thank you for calling me prince my servant igla
it was supposed to be 3 mapper game you cheeky dictator, AS WE AGREED BEFORE WITH TEAM CPT SEBHES
Viewer Peak 11 but still hot comments 2k16 game :)
Look above to see two huge faggots fighting