8Bits/FiF*Green* vs megaProGaming e-Sports e.V. (19292 views)

be siL
be Jere
nl Freedune
nl jo0f
nl vanQuish
be worm
de butchji
de wEAK
de drago
be mAus
de haZer
gb razz
lv clown
ESL Major Series: Group B Matchday 3
Statements & Matchlink
15.06.08 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Major Series Season II
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: 8Bits|Skydriver (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 99003
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 442


nice nice
easy bash mpg
so easy was het niet voor hen hoor jere <3
FiF you need gl ;) you always have a change ;) you can do it
haha check this!!!
You have € 2 on 8B|FiFg
Possible win: € 137.28
You have € 666 on 8B|FiFg
Possible win: € 3143.52
You have € 775 on pro
Possible win: € 945.5
easybash mpg!

But GL Groentjes!
You have € 500 on 8B|FiFg
gl jere & the rest :)
lold np4fif!
no worm no chance
line-up fif is not sure yet
match has been delayed with one week, so worm will definetly play this one
gl mpg
easy for mpg but gl siL and the rest
mPG most likely will use a wildcard on this one.
You have € 12 on be 8B|FiFg Cancel bet
Possible win: € 184.68
You have € 80 on 8B|FiFg
Possible win: € 1072.8
2ez for fif
Vanqbus !
no worm no win :D
hf drago
mpg lineup?
mpg is using wildcard
lame, why?
why not? :D
3rd match in group B

mpg is using wildcard

15.06.08 19:00 WEST

At least some warning before hand for a change :)
You have € 10 on be 8B|FiFg
Possible win: € 143.7

No Azzarow no win :)

Gl :D
np voor da ziffke ,da geeft al n voorproefke van wa wij me die manne gaan doen :p
Al mijn geld op FiF :)

You have € 100 on be 8B|FiFg Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1545

Goodluck jo0f :)
you can remove nl freedune and add me!
(exams are over then, i'm avi! :P)
no way Mr., you are too low
You have € 100 on be 8B|FiFg Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1345
lol, easy for mPg.

Ever when I set my money on them I know that I will win :XD
oooeee ye FiF is the moneymaker here!
i dont know i think its gonna be a very exciting match ! :D gl groentjes !!!
rofling my fuck aars off, ohnoes :D
You have € 100 on 8B|FiFg
Possible win: € 1337

gl fif :D
what the hell ? Since when can't I say that fif's chances of winning against an ec finalist are small ?
haha end? who has ego here? simply old players must accept that they are not owning as in old days because new teams and players are praccing more and have more motivation... and pls dont write they are all cheaters, its paranoia. W:ET will not die because old plyers and teams leave.. its lifecycle man :)
maus!! :) ff bet cancelen, soz! :)
izi bash 4 vanqman
niet op jere letten , obviously maken we weinig kans :D
lol, nee da was nie op hem gereageerd, maar op ne gast (immoo) die zen comment al heeft verwijderd
die was lazio aant uitkakke omdat hij deze terechte opmerking maakte :(
aha ik dacht al, kent dien jere de lazio niet ?:>
:D de lazio is begot mijn idool!
siL wint dat op zen eentje
maus do każdego teamu się wślizgnie
pisz po angielsku kretynie skonczony
kretyn skonczony to cie robil wiec stfu noname
pisz po angielsku kretynie skonczony
kretyn skonczony to cie robil wiec stfu noname
duh @ mpg
maus = clanhooper
hf loosing your money :P

mpg ftw ofc!
easy 4 mpg
You have € 1 on be 8B|FiFg Cancel bet
Possible win: € 20.68
You have € 100 on 8B|FiFg
Possible win: € 2026

Go FiFg!!
money on you fif !
np 4 mpG gl jungs
easy bash for mpg
You have € 25 on 8B|FiFg
Possible win: € 533
we wont win piilu :p
normally we dont have chance to win
but now we didnt play for 1 week, so we will be even suckier :D
well pro is merc only and plays for the first time so np.
dit gaat leuk worden, een week niet meer gespeeld en dan tegen zeh yermans + maus :(
Too easy for FiF :)
ET>Rohan omg will be nice ^^ :D
Wimmeke toch! =D
gl manne <3
gl FiF , you got nothing to lose! just try to knife butchji thats more then enough
haha this will be nice
GL butchji ill be cheering u on!!
izi for mpg !
wtf ? mAus i` - pro - ... ???
if u are asking if mAus is a pro than the answer is yes, he is one of the best now :)
no he just called up the clans that mAus has been into the last 2 weeks

impact , overload , pro-gaming -> maus @ free merc for everybody!
ahh, lol. don't forget FATGAMES ;)
maus @ skilldrop
tak sie zastanawiam.... kiedy to megaProGaming wreszcie przegra jakis mecz ?? xD
You have € 100 on de pro Cancel bet
Possible win: € 105
You have € 1136 on be 8B|FiFg Cancel bet
Possible win: € 15801.76
omg q chaquetero es este tio xD
FiF, make me some more money or get beat up by Morf, choose wisely....
we better win then ! :<
wat een dreigement ;D
De meneer met de zware stem Morf? Met die dikke armen en gespierde borstkas, die de laatste cdc bij ons in de cabin sliep?

Hebben we het over dezelfde morf?

Die is idd wel link, Flinke kerel is dat!! WINNEN JONGENS ANDERS HEBBEN WE EEN PROBLEEM!!!
JAJA ik kan er niks aan doen he
Stevig gebouwd tja...
BTW..OVIE kk hond xD
klein onnozel fuck ja :D:D:D

You have € 148 on be 8B|FiFg Cancel bet
Possible win: € 3932.36

gl/hf :))
Zelfs geen uitdaging voor Worm :O
gl FiF , hf haZEr :P
is maus playing for ovr or pro now?
mAus is playing for everything and everybody : D
gl hazer
den worm gaat weeral goe gepooned worre
fast the score here.. i want bet at ovr vs impact!!!
mpg moet tog egt met wa btrs komen wille ze worm pakke he :^)

X:D gl
gl mpg <3
Plz FiF will spawnrape Mpg all the time.
easy for FiF
mAus ofc:D gl
Veel geluk FiF, owned ze niet te hard :p
iiv gl&hf
Leon pooner poons all, just use my bot Amsterdamse pauperboiii!
hahha dit word lekker :D
You have € 99 on 8B|FiFg
Possible win: € 2419.56
gl =]
de butchji
de wEAK
de drago
be mAus
de haZer
gb razz

Sick lineup
dünFiF ,
mpg FTW
You have € 189 on be 8B|FiFg Cancel bet
Possible win: € 4267.62 xD
izi bash FiF!
go sil en pannekoek!
You have 56 on pro
Possible win: 58.24

Make me rich, mpg!
ofc mpg, gl both

rape rape rape



ofc mpg
gl... u gonna need it :)
Pls mpg beat them in less than an hour, I need my money for next war :D
ez bash for Juris !!!
bet on fif iam playing
instead of ?
of noone? we only have one lineup... like in ec.. the others are just mercs (backups)
zullen ze binnen een uurtje klaar zijn denk je ?
More slots bitte!
more slots -.- 880 not enuff immi ?
hf =D
You have € 500 on be 8B|FiFg
Possible win: € 14565
do they use 50% acc today?
score? :D
2-0 fif
fif 2 mpg 0
Lol >.<
mpg ... Shame on U !
You have € 20 on be 8B|FiFg
Possible win: € 582.6 ahhahaha xD
i hope u lose it :<
8bits Fifg 2-0 pro
after 1st map
2-2 soonish, but NICE BUGABUSE
nice spawncamp Jere :DDDDD
never underestimate your enemy mpg.
score 4:2 4????!?!!?! pls 8bits pls make me rich
3:1 would be nice imo :P
4-2 mpg
Well played FiF.
update fast

You have € 1000 on de pro
Possible win: € 1040
4-2 pro
4-2 mpg
maus pro rnade
about as good at rnading as he is at tjing imo
admin should put fakescore!
nais greeners, u won a map !! ;)
You have € 25 on de pro
You won € 26 omg omg
lol n1 FiF 2-4 vs mPg
tis ver gekomen met ET
i geuss mpg isn't training yet with this line-up
i think they care more about EC :P

still gg FiF
mpg took it too serious!!!
these pros didnt even try, fif was nice to see revive and stuff, but mpg just had the aim and the skill and the experience, if they would just prac once a week and get some teamplay, they'd be awesome
anyway: lekker jere, vanq worm !!!!!!
that's just the whole fucking point, IF IF IF
on paper we wouldn't even win 1 map (even if they didn't prac), .. we did ..
on paper they would just overrush us, .. well they didn't

that's the way the cookie crumbles nowadays!

gg Pro, but wp FiF !
why so nasty? FiF just pwns!
GG MPG!!! :D
gg mpg :)