Impact Gaming vs invitium (14623 views)

ee Night
de sNoOp
si JaKaZc
ee r3vers
mt toxic
pl voiler
pl michat
pl Turki
pl riseje
pl saqu
lt Rodia
19.06.08 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Major Series Season II
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: guffy (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
Loser's Choice

Total Pot: € 77454
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
fr by inviolable
By: Fr4gg3r
Listen to Fr4gg3r
Language: Poland

Total Slots: 500
Listener Peak: 7

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #2
By: Saeufer (ettvd)
de #9th-Dimension [ETTV]
By: mUnduS (ettvd)
de #GMW`ETTV 1
By: Hartlight (ettvd)
de #LoFT ETTV1
By: benJi (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: 8Bits|Skydriver (ettvd)
fr #StarZz.gaming TV
By: P3T4RD (ettvd)
nl Blachta ETTV #2
By: Blachta (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 93


all my money @ inv
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD gl inv FF rade dalo to wy tez dacie
sekmes rodia :D
Aciu :*. Laimikis is TAG :D! bet dabar ne isvykti is Impact :P.
powodzenia :) GL & HF ... 50$$ on InV :D
wiec trafila kosa na kamien xD ale jak FF pokaralo to i wam sie uda :)\
no mystic,no win.
gl snoop :)
Zbijcie plebsa :)
LOL gl
impact pls bash the living hell out of these guys.
You have € 480 on Impact
Possible win: € 916.8

easy 4 RELOAD & SN00P
gl inv
all money on Impact.
gnajda needed :(
impact own those poltards !!!!
Wezcie Gnajda z botem to wygracie.
kto to mowi , haxorski gracz kredek , ironia losu ...
vi3ri wez sie lepiej nie odzywaj bo dla ciebie to kazdy ma haxa wiec stfu a akurat freze nie ma.
Ten kto gral z tymi ludzmi.
FF pokaralo bo gnajda gral xD
hoho jaki ty zabawny
hoho jaki ty sarkastyczny
R0DIA is allowed to play? :D
gl snoop

ger 2:0 pl :P

you&team win :)
but 2 goals - Podolski with polish blood so stfu :P : D
idiot , soo ?? he played for germany o0
You have € 92 on pl invitium Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1878.64
lol if the poltards win then ET is realy dead :D
Be realistic....
michat is palying anything is possible
Np for invitium ;F
all polaks are shit on ettv

makes me laugh

omg super izi Oo
pro ?
heh :) ...well i dont know how good or who he is but if playing in ESL should presume somekind of skill.....
If invitium want to win, they need to discover the new dimension of luck ;-)
gl goes to polaks, estonians and a slovenian ;-)
just notch up the settings like gnajda did
personally i havent met any cheater in a match since dunno 6 moths? you guys are all crazy
hope the polish guys beat the shit out of them and impact will whine about them cheating.
lol, sry but it's impossible imo ;p
ezy 4 the the bimbots
You have € 6 on pl invitium Cancel bet
Possible win: € 125.04
You have € 1 on pl invitium Cancel bet
Possible win: € 22.8

Rodia STILL allowed to play?
Why not? Because overdrive shows pb ss from May 2007 which is not my? I didnt play any official mach in CB and ESL from May 2007- January 2008 to be fair. So can you...hmm.. stfu?
why would you do that if your not guilty? FUCKING STUPID
Because the pbbans IP was same like I have now. And i wanted to be fair. Thats all.
Oh wait, want to be fair. So fair enough to ban you, polish trash!
I see your only argument is offending me :). Too bad for u :).
It isn't offending, its the truth. You aren't allowed to play you cheat, end of story. Be happy that bulldog saved your ass.
ga dood... And im not cheat.
how is it fair? If you didnt cheat how is not playing making it fair? guilty imo n1 selfbust
i take that as a public confession
meto man, meto lets bust this ngr
To, ze nie grales przez pol roku jest argumentem troche zalosnym. To tak jakby zlodziej (dajmy na to) stwierdzil, ze przez pol roku nie bedzie wychodzic z domu i dlatego nie powinien byc sadzony przez normalny sad. Na bana nie zaslugujesz (za malo dowodow), ale Twoje uzasadnienia sa smiesznawe ;)
You have € 170 on invitium
Possible win: € 2844.1
rly plox, them still allowed to play is just retarded imo, soz invitium :xxx
You have E 30 on invitium
Possible win: E 569.1

GL invitium
You have € 510 on pl invitium Cancel bet
Possible win: € 6171

You have € 10 on invitium
Possible win: € 133.6

GL inv xD
hax > impact
izi bash
gogo night & reload!
pwned by gnajda go go
Is Invitium the new TG?
If Rodia will be allowed to play I gonna lol actually >.>.
Give me reason why I shouldn't be allowed to play? Because overdrive gave pb ss which is not my from May 2007? "OK"
You have € 193 on pl invitium Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2186.69 yhy xD
<3 Snoop!

Klick Klack Baller Baller Klick Klack BoOM

<3 Snoop!

Rock die mal radikal weg baby ;)
np4turki :)
jak rodia nastawi aima na high to moze pokaraja
impact makes me rich one day : D
invitium go play tetris plz
need senji and urtier:<
np 4 inv but i think ESL admins banned invitum after match xD
way to easy for the polaks
gl turki high skiller at duels!!

fucking polaks
fucking antnipolackist

Polaks are better , so they are cheaters or noobs yeee ?


cheaters ofc. as proven. or not (gnajda). or not banned (krein).
that was said by guy from whos from NOT CHEATERS country :)

says who e?

yooda deleted it's comment. It stated: that was said by guy from whos from NOT CHEATERS country :)

Holland have much cheaters/ banned on cb u retarded jointman
krein is banned on CB. the fact that he isn't [banned] on ESL comes from retardness of [ESL] admins.
that's what I said right?
he is not banned.
and i said: "is banned on CB"
imo esl sux @ bans and still not good activity at et leagues.
You have € 5 on invitium
Possible win: € 127.15
good luck inv. you'll need a lot :] it would be nice match to watch.
Czarus pokara =D
Jak ze spawna wyjda to bedzie dobrze.
team of kurwas will lose and i will win lot of money ; )
1.05 - Yes, mountains
he's talking about impact !
In this light... team kurwas cant lose... my idol is playing there!
omg omg I thought that I'm your idol :<<<
i believe in multi-idolism!
gl invitium! :D
karajta chłopy;ddddd
<3 Rodia!!!

Trrreeeee Maaaatherfuckn Medics in tha Coooorrrrrrnnnnerrrrr ! Trrrrrruuuuuu!

<3 Rodia FTW!

Gl Snoop ;) be Radikal!
had a little too much to drink, hun? :(
Man! STFU! xD go to the Panic Room and watch you PM that Lio added u to his buddys xDDD
oh pls man why u laugh, did Lio add u to his buddy list? :DDDD
oneofWHO ?
I can get oneOfThem!

"One of Who!?"

GG! <3 xD
<3333 "tru" :D
GL inv but imp win
gl Rodia ...and to all other polaks that share the same common polak IP!!!!!!
4:2 impact

komm snoop hau die cheata ma bitte wech
sagt "jemand" der idiotischer weise gnajda in der Lower Bracket Round 3 vom server gekickt hat? aber kein Problem fur dich, weil ich ja ein polacke bin - also zur mitschrift: ein polacke sagt das, deshalb habe ich es tief in meinem aller wertesten. Und falls du das Argument "gnajda wurde durch CB gebannt, weil er gecheatet hat also zählt das ehe nicht das ich ihn in dem EuroCup von einem wichtigen match gekickt habe" benutzen solltest sage ich dir nur: beweise bitte das gnajda gecheatet hat, denn dieses "FragMovie" von gnajda @ by ag0on zeigt gar nichts + es wurde mit fraps (30 fps) aufgenommen...
ich werds nie verstehen wie leute so offensichtliche cheater verteidigen NACHDEM sie gebannt wurden.
achja, sag bitte nicht, ich hätte keine ahnung.
You have € 650 on pl invitium Cancel bet
Possible win: € 13260

voiler! gl
wczoraj pokaraliscie z NR to i dzis sie wam uda <rotfl>
You have € 55 on pl invitium Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1155.55
Gl & Hf

Inv win :D
Wystarczy Webb Howard na refie
well again, there is no match at 21 cet today
dam za darmo wszystkim z invitium bimboty ale i to by nie pomolo :X
haha ... GL
Hope you had nice warmup again us :D
You have € 10 on invitium
Possible win: € 201.1

We allowed more than 1 merc for Impact but Sn4ke (ESL admin) not accepted this. So impact had to change date of match. Good for you Sn4ke.
date set : tomorrow (19.06.08)
Guess its going to make Pro v Impact late then.

Grand Final
Clanbase Matchlink
et Enemy Territory
19.06.08 20:00 WEST
Der Scheiß wird doch eh nicht gespielt :<
Bimbot Detected :>
are you kidding ? chyba w snach detected =]]]
No No.. : ) to masz kurwa zajebiste info ..
dziwne ze ludzi wypierdala za czita :o
gl snoop x)
You have 4720 on invitium
Possible win: 43188

za chuja nigdy XD
Why is this GMT my GMT + 1 is it because of our clocks going back for summer time, if so cant w have a BST time?
This is a CET time (GMT +1)
man, it is clearly written there: Today 20:00 CEST
wake up, your time is not the most important and mostly used time in the galaxy
we won't play this match

1st, we dont have enough players (cant use mercs)
2nd, after the match we would get a win anyway because invitium plays with a suspended player
haha plz snoop dont be funny :)
well we cant play it. i thought you were gonna play with them for sure and if you would have done that, the game would be lost for you for sure since u arent allowed to play if u are suspended (doesnt mean i think u hack what i dont think but its a fact u are suspended and not allowed to play)
hf snoopie why could u win if we don't play and we didnt use suspended player for this match ( we didn't use him vs necrorisers too )

well ok then only the first fact which is reason enough to not play :p
And 2nd is little funny too :). Im not banned, and i am suspended without giving reason... so we could play this match just for "play it"

And gl in EC.
i think they want to warmup before EC match with some other opponent ;-)
ok then hf vs mpg
ye thx and sry, but its impossible to get 5 players atm