fnatic vs SPLYCE (3145 views)

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Best of 1
Group B Opening Match


fnatic winning 500k, gg
low+ NA team
wait for LG ! :D
They will rekt them like they already did. Sorry man, fnatic are too stronk :)
fnatic very stronk
True that! I just hope that an other team will win a LAN once instead of fnatic. And I guess the only team which is able to do that is LG :x
My friend Navi can win
Ye it could be nice that an other team can win but I mean fnatic wont stop and they're so good :D
Astralis can win too
My friend astralis always choke xD
nee nee, nip gaat nipt winnen.
hmmm kweenie ze, tword nen spannende game vnv tussen NIP & LG :P
Of is da nu gewoon uwe humor met 'nip' & 'nipt' ? :D

Ma NIP gaat winnen. En de laatste tijden zit ik er nog zelden naast (zie GBOOKY)
Nu zit ge er toch wel zwaar naast :D LG is echt goed, bijna map tegen fnatic gewonnen op vorige LAN dusja :P
Klote... wat een pandoering was me dat...