Second Massachusetts vs PoKeMaNs (2827 views)

pl Baczo
pl Wizzard
pl Skyline
pl Kaczor
de shady
nl yii
08.04.16 19:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: wizzard (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4
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Total Pot: € 1000
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


erdenberg tactics didn't pay off
chlopak wie co pisze
Skyline twój kolega Nike wrócił i szykuj się niedługo na obiecane wpierdól :D
Ale zartami sypiesz kolego sympatyczny xdd
Kolejny ban sie szykuje z twojej i jego strony, juz nie moge sie doczekac.
Yii wtf man
This merc was a total airhead, was raging only
uncle, luki, mirek
And why am I on this line-up xD
I was like : omfg they lost with heady ? that was not possible :D now I understand
Did shady know that it was kackzor who he played with (who is still banned until 2017)?
shady & yii finally banned heyee
Lol ahaha
ayyyy lmao
well that escalated quickly
Rofl what a bullshit reason
2027 ban soon
Whos that admin? ;D

Everybody in the match knew it was Kaczor and apparently noone knew he was banned.

nice ban shady :D
It was me, as it says on the CG site. Make a ticket if you feel it was wrong.
i did, and yes it is obviously wrong and a huge joke
11st of april
You are the victim of your own idiocy, nothing wrong there.
what pepik said.
ruhig vincent