TeAm-Echo vs idem @ multiplegaming (4229 views)

ee enque
ee fredd
ee robben
ee Manual
ee Raven
ee Easr
pl alKo
pl Ths
pl t1kky
pl dewu
pl cisy
pl david
pl abbas
Opencup 3-rd league semi-final
09.06.08 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2008
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Cookie (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8105
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: h3ll (ettvd)
By: Trubel (ettvd)
de #re-play ETTV ONE
By: synt3r (ettvd)
By: Thaumas (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


1rd gl
gl idem np4cisy :)
You have € 125 on pl [idem] Cancel bet
Possible win: € 205

only because my fanboi is playing :D
your fanboi is currently so lowskill that he wouldnt adivse you betting on us :D
tho your respond time made me sure I'm doing right thing. And I succeeded!
definitely that 13:37 was the main factor ;-)
gl idemiaki
gl idem
gl idem
hf idem
go echo
good luck Polaks :)
gl idem !! dacie rade :D
nie wiem jak wy, ale 20:45 ja sie zmywam ;-)
zdaje ci sie no lajfie
Wasnt t1kky busted? I think so!
alko and david also :<
yes i was busted, becouse im clean player :)!

FTW admin kids on xfire!
more sense plz
ur busted so what?
nothing i dont care, playing in et its fun for me, i dont need bot to have more fun.
gl echo, die cheaters
lol echo for sure, fuck bets are closed
Have fun echo
4:0 idem
izi win for idem 4-0
pldewu: you guys played pretty suspisous

trying to draw attention away from yourselves?
im just trying to save my humour. you want demos? we want them too. so you have to make an effort as well. and now fuck off ignorant.
isi bash
hah I was even asked for demos!
Yeah, well, thats because u asked all our demos. :)
nothing personal.

but, GL in finals.
haha not really.
talked to fredd, he said he wanted demos of me, alko, david and abbas.
then i talked to enque he confirmed and then i said i want all their demos.
so dont lie, it was personal ;-)
tell me why, WHY!? u dont want to my demos ;(
because u screamed like a girl after every round " acc 17.3". :p
:(((((( 22 acc and on sec map 19 man! btw i have a lot of wh actions !(not rly either) :(
echo järgmine aasta te omate premier league ära!
ma usun teisse :D
1. Teine liiga max võimalik saada üldse.
2. On võimalus, et me enam ei pela echoga. (eks tulevik näitab.)