8Bits/FiF*Green* vs Personality Team (5570 views)

nl jo0f
be Worm
be Jere
hr danL
hr drv4c
gb antalis
Second League 3rd place match
12.06.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3v3 OpenCup Spring 2008
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: 8Bits|Skydriver (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 22194
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de d-hosting.de|ETTV
By: eLemenT`Uther (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 2
By: 8Bits|Skydriver (ettvd)

us East Canada*** ETTV
By: eges (ettvd)
xx #mx.org ETTV
By: Der_Haase (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 44


lineups plz !

gl danl drvac
line-up personality:

danL and drv4c cro, antalis england
Croatia is beating Germany !!!
gl worm (na dat ge me gpwned hebt in 3o3 (ik was fz.et zig))
gogogogo danL drv4c and antalis :D:D:D:D:D:D
gl jere !
I'm gonna show my smg-skilzzz :D
gl danL and drv4c ;)
tell me how to change the hitboxes of my experience then
love is all you need <3
POLAKS !! da zeg ik
fuck off, if the result was different you wouldn't be so happy, but I would still whine about your shit hitboxes
BUT it isn't..

if i was the king of the world i should ...
fuck off, no one asked you anything, don't reply to me
i guess you're quite pissed off?

= fun
I said don't reply to me moron, can't you read? or you don't learn to read in belgium?
you = fun
fun = good @ exams
you are saying I am good at exams? wtf
lolol :D you're not that smart ?
if you're replying to me, he equalized me with being fun and then equalized fun with good at exams, ergo I am good at exams?
a = b
b = c

Not sure what world u live in but I'm almost positive that the conclusion on this Earth would be:
a = c
unhitable scum, was the same shit on first match, fucking get hitboxes

and we lost because of those 52 sec it took to get the truck when antalis got crushed

so gg unhitable lotto fucks
I remember this whine :o
wow, you have an ability to remember things! :o
MAYJORLY UNLUCKY. I thought PT deserved to win!!

Played very well though.
just finished 4-2 for fif
ul lads

You have € 50 on be 8B|FiFg
Possible win: € 64
wp Personality Team
to bad about the whining
zeer goed fif...goed gespeeld mannen
FiF no hitboxes? They must be from Poland!!! XDDD
Beltard unhits? NO SHIT!....
pfff, pure whinage from I am? wp danL, it has nothing to do with hitboxes, maybe you have to take a look at your aim?

WP mateys!
ET is wel het spel met de meest verneukte hitboxes
why is my aim fine then when I play against other people, with many of who have been far more skilled than your teammates? nothing to do with hitboxes, hehehe
wow DanL you whined about the same things against FiF as you did vs us? how unexpected

it seems everytime you lose you go blame the players because of their hitboxes or anything near that
oke, nais, die's uitgelult :]
no DomI, we lost to a lot of people that we had no problems with, recently we lost to ls and vodka yet we didn't whine cos they were hitable, get the pattern?
not really, you seem to hit the most unhitable players well , and the ones who are hitable for every1 you cant hit.. i cant see a pattern in that
no, I just can't hit the ones that are unhitable
i know a way how to fix that problem ! rofl
personality team lost. unexpected.