30 seconds to MARS vs PoKeMaNs (3783 views)

nl GiZmOoO
fi Rong
us ipod
ch fumoffu
de shady
nl yii
18.05.16 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: litoriousJ (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 1210
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 18


gl gizmo & pokemans :)
i know that feel ipod>kARMA
this rong :DDD
rong + ipod = win
this is not the Rong i know :s
this is not the Rong i know :s
rip rong
4-2 Against All Odds
4-2 Against All Odds
4-2 Against All Odds
try to play with this ipod monkey and you'll see lol
4-2 Against All Odds
4-2 Against All Odds
Where is Rong's irc 150efficiency, 57accuracy and trashtalking?

Oh wait
Mechanic Rong, You play like a dummy. Just stick to repairing cars. Maybe thats smth were yr good at

[15:23:32] <Rong> im rekting 99% of ET scene aimwise

30stm noob clan
[15:27:18] <Rong> im going to lan to prove im rekting 99% of ET scene aimwise offline and online
Cześć Rafał co tam :)
Witam Szymon a nic edukuje sie a tam?
Czyżbyś planował napisanie matury ? :) Czy może jeszcze za wcześnie na takie Himalaje wiedzy?
Stul pizde chodzi mi o niemiecki a maturka jest :)
Chyba przed tobą 😂
a to w anglii uczysz sie niemieckiego czy na proxy siedzisz
Ja pierdole dawno juz tłumaczyłem ze nie wiem czego mi pokazuje flage uk jak uzywam neta z telefonu