eQuilibrium vs Mortal Kombat (2909 views)

ca Shivji
us Rain
mx Pancho
ca Scorpion
us Reptile
us Noob Saibot
Evil Territory 3v3A Finals
16.06.08 03:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: rainypoo (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 3337
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
us ETL League ETTV
By: rainypoo (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 33


isn't mk good?
dont know...
B,F,F,F 2
Fatality, Jade wins

You have € 1 on us MK
Possible win: € 4.99

<3 Jade
yes, mk is a good team. good teamwork
and random too.
What does that mean? They are known rtcw players!
No they're not, 'Serum' apparently isn't even aware that Alea got banned for zz_quad.

Besides that, some of them have played ET before(Serum), yet they play like they've NEVER played it before.

They're just hackers
Hm, scorpion's IP leads to serum's rtcw guid. Unless serum sent him his own rtcw pbguid, there is no real explanation for that.

They have pretty very nice team work, and that doesn't happen in a few weeks.
there is ET in mexico? if yes: n1 :D
yes, but we got like 5 players as much XD
i wanna see you guys enter nationscup.
Lalo would have to get deported for Mexico to have 6 :)
lol why is lalo not starting for this match?
score? :P
1 € on us MK Won 2
flawless victory