Vicious and Evil vs prediction Gaming (3465 views)

gb valiant
gb Jeebs
gb madbone
gb Vexx
de MADKnut
de Noorgrin
de Rex
at Shorty
de Bibabutzemann
de caliban
de SDStyleZ
be Soulfly


Official Statement:

"We haven't played predicition gaming before so not really sure what to expect. We look forward to a good game which will also be broadcasted by (The Hog Show)"
izi for valiant and jeebs :>
Have fun meeting madbone like i did -.^ Boom and ur dead
no ETQWTV? :/
Man, that's bad quality.
And even worse, it's MS Media Player...

At least it's moderated, that's sth good :D
go go FAIL-ant
WTF Soulfly at prediction? o___O
haha :) Team EvE = inactive