AddictsKlan #HighLevel- vs HESS eSports (6023 views)

pt yoshito
pt hellblackgod!
pt Cyberopandula
pt Muzziboiola
pt qbr-telhas
be Nkdrolho
be bNdtjeros
ch zeKxa
be Appel
nl drks
dk Vike
pl tr!
us d'man
22.06.08 21:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: yoshiii (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 7459
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
pt Stop&play|ETL ETTV Server
By: yoshiii
Listen to yoshiii
(unknown language)

Total Slots: 15
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #1
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
By: Jigsaw (ettvd)
By: GLH-Candyman (ettvd)
By: Der_Haase (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 35


1st !!
3rd =D GO AK!!!!

Love ya :D

Another match to playxD

5th :O ak playing with cool nicks ^^
izi bash for ak of course
all my money on you!
menos d 100 hs = noob :P
shit match
sorry u are shit =)
gl HESS :)
gl addicts
woa dont request ETTV for a low match...

HESS Lineup so far:

be Appel
nl drks
dk Vike
pl tr!
us d'mAn
ch zeKxa
for a low match?
if ur clan is low its ur prob :X
haha you are so low you dont even know how to reply ::D:D:D:D:
ahahh you are so low that u should stfu
you should try me :)

btw gratz,you found the reply button :D
loooool low macth ...propably its need to demonstrate something's on the this game - - " ...this a fun match not a skill request - - "

ladder tell you something ???


haha you are so low you dont even know how to reply ::D:D:D:D:
eazy 4 addicts
gl appel hf dude
GO HESS :) zekxa FTW
Gl zeKxa!! :)
GL BANDIT!!! bee bzzzzzzzzzz
gl d'man
GL HESS just becayse i love my gay appel, zekxa, d'man, drks, vike and tri
goo zekxa get them! if you need a skilled 6th gimme a pm ;)

dont get ownd by such noobys zeKxa!
gl zeKxa, all my money on you!
gl bandit
izi for ak, gl yoshi & hellblack
<3 :D..suprise for you tomorrow xD
Gl Ak : D
izi bash for ak...
gl yoshi!!!
gl vike whoever u are
Gl zekxa :)
All my money on bee voicer!
yesterday I played against HESS, 3on3. They are low max LOL'd
but we have hellblack :X
3on3 is not 6on6 :)
gl zekxa
GO Addicts <3 ;D
4-0 for HESS

GG! woot!!!
rly nice match @ izi money
4-0 HESS

ggz and wp all.
gg wp, was a nice match besides the kiddy behaviour of some players
Bandit loves u :)
haha you should see my IRC logs from qbr now :D:D:D:D:D::D

6|1010:2906| 01 »10» 14[12-sBNC14]01 06Mon 23 Jun 2008 12:59:00 AM CEST HL|qbr-tls|AK ( HEY NEWS FOR YOU GOT YA
06|1010:2906| 01 »10» 14[12-sBNC14]01 06Mon 23 Jun 2008 12:59:44 AM CEST HL|qbr-tls|AK ( blablabla team norway blablablbla med+/high blabla
06|1010:2906| 01 »10» 14[12-sBNC14]01 06Mon 23 Jun 2008 12:59:56 AM CEST HL|qbr-tls|AK ( U SUCK

+ he says he is going to bust me!
its normal , half of my team had to send demo for proving our innocent :x
well im the only 1 who had to send ( i kinda raged them :D:D: )
wheres raffou by the way ?
nice one forgetting me, again!
nice match xD
6man kill at cp on supply
ty AK <3
zekxa: woa dont request ETTV for a low match...
yoshi: for a low match? if ur clan is low its ur prob :X

if they are low, what skill are you?
play this game yoshi:
fu polaktard
more constructive comments pls
ok fuck you polaktard
are u happy?
5 days to write 2 sentences? impressive
You have € 12 on eu [HESS]
You won € 40.44

izy money
You have € 100 on eu [HESS]
You won € 337

Nice :D