8Bits/FiF*Green* vs ElitePlayers (8380 views)

7th match in group B: Match Link
23.06.08 21:00 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | ESL Major Series Season II | |
Hosting: | Electronic Sports League | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Supply | |
Loser's Choice | ||
On Demand | ![]() |
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![]() By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: Hartlight (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: Jigsaw (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: h3ll (ettvd) |
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![]() By: mUnduS (ettvd) |
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![]() By: Blachta (ettvd) |
blachta.no-ip.org:27961 |
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![]() By: Der_Haase (ettvd) |
matrix-alliance.org:27960 |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 107
Viewer Peak: 107

Gl FiF :)
2nd, np 4 EP :)
pl szczurek 2nd, np 4 EP :)
pl szczurek 1st !! GL
pl szczurek more german comments :..
pl szczurek 1st !! easy 4 fif
pl szczurek 2nd, octane ofc
::)) ::))
pl szczurek 1st !! GL
pl szczurek more german comments :..
pl szczurek 1st !! easy 4 fif
pl szczurek 2nd, octane ofc
::)) ::))
np4me xD
fif's best map is supply
so easy bash jongens !
so easy bash jongens !
GL FiF !
aha finally the chance to get even for kicking us out of the groups fase of oc (evil smiley)
worst day ever for playing imo :P ....huge parties this day....at least in Est
? on monday? :D
yes :) doesent matter what day it is.....23rd of june are i guess 99 percent of estonians partying/grilling. 23,24 are natinonal holidays...so free days.this year it is specially good....5 free days in a row for most of the people.but not for me accidentally.
wa heeft dieje bodybuilder daarmee te maken
Komt ie ons weer real life poenen als we niet winnen?
Komt ie ons weer real life poenen als we niet winnen?
gl wiadro :D
no problem for elite players ,rly
izi ep GL aDman 8D
gl ep
izi money
You have 239 on [ep]
Possible win: 585.55
comon eP show what u got ;D
Possible win: 585.55
comon eP show what u got ;D
You have 50 on be 8B|FiFg
Possible win: 76
Come on FiF Green show what you got :)
Possible win: 76
Come on FiF Green show what you got :)
gl Worm
Worm the new talent Belge :DD
izi aDman
wiadro will rape them ;X
gl fif
You have 88 on pl [ep] Cancel bet
Possible win: 189.2
gl Worm en co
verpest het ni e klojos
emme wij da ooit al gedaan? :x
ja tegen tA gisteren xD
ep imo zasieje ziarno kary
grajac mixem ^^
gl ep
gl ep
hf both!
You have 1156 on pl [ep] Cancel bet
Possible win: 1965
Possible win: 1965
awesome match, gl
izi 4 8bits
Vanq > *
You have 25 on 8B|FiFg
Possible win: 65.75
gl 8bits!
Possible win: 65.75
gl 8bits!
You have 50 on be 8B|FiFg Cancel bet
Possible win: 1229
Possible win: 1229
You have 250 on be 8B|FiFg Cancel bet
Possible win: 590
Possible win: 590
die gast suckt man
gl 8bits :)
izi for fifg
gl 8bits and worm :)
damned, can't decide on which cheaters to bet
gl shogi and Xanah !
gl FiF!
all my money on FiF, pak het kankerlijer
2:2 4ep?????????!!!!!!!!!;o
2:2 4ep?????????!!!!!!!!!;o
most retarded game ever, nice sportive play ep, really, very nice. This is once more a reason to ban all polish players
what happened?
u cant even win against mix plz
4 2 ep... ggs :))
worm nice ping :))
worm nice ping :))
polaks <2
4-2 ep, less whines next time Fif!
fu polak tards....
Congratulations ElitePlayers! Well played and you deserved to win!
fu polak tard 2nd
fu savak tard 3rd
U cant remember yesterday?
Well GTFO!
Well GTFO!
that's just the whole point of polish players, your frigging cheaterattitude
letting lesbian play :DD, we don't accept that, we followed the rules by saying ur not allowed to use a merc, that's indeed very unsportive from our side.
this game had totally nothing to do with yours, jesus christ :X
letting lesbian play :DD, we don't accept that, we followed the rules by saying ur not allowed to use a merc, that's indeed very unsportive from our side.
this game had totally nothing to do with yours, jesus christ :X
lol ep nice fair play!
same like yesterdays game fif vs decline... just following the rules... :)
no one said that we have to pause... we can do it if we want it
no one said that we have to pause... we can do it if we want it
totally different situation, we were following the rules, you were being a pain in the ass
but rules do not say that we have to pause and rules do not say u cant agree play with merc
we would have gotten a forfeit loss if we allowed it, the admin even admitted that, we even spammed it :DDDD
my bad
Dont let the xiitiers play!
hmm not really, MPG used merc in their match against us and many, many, MANY other teams
mpg played with maus, he doesnt cheat
decline wanted to play with lesbian, a tardish hacker
thats we we decided not to let them play with a merc tbh
so we asked admin (sn4ke) and he forced us to not allow them to play with merc
after one map their 6th left or something and thats why they played the 2nd map with 5
decline wanted to play with lesbian, a tardish hacker
thats we we decided not to let them play with a merc tbh
so we asked admin (sn4ke) and he forced us to not allow them to play with merc
after one map their 6th left or something and thats why they played the 2nd map with 5
"mpg played with maus, he doesnt cheat
decline wanted to play with lesbian, a tardish hacker"
honestly it does not matter... merc is merc... rules are rules... same shit...
we will not be kind to guys who do not treat us well...
decline wanted to play with lesbian, a tardish hacker"
honestly it does not matter... merc is merc... rules are rules... same shit...
we will not be kind to guys who do not treat us well...
true, well done... :)
yeah that's true
rules are rules ..
like I always say : ET is like football, it is a teamsport.
and when there is a player injured, the other team (sometimes) kicks the ball out of the field & the other team give the ball back ..
this is just a same situation,
there is nothing wrong with following the rules, but there is something wrong with not playing sportive :)
rules are rules ..
like I always say : ET is like football, it is a teamsport.
and when there is a player injured, the other team (sometimes) kicks the ball out of the field & the other team give the ball back ..
this is just a same situation,
there is nothing wrong with following the rules, but there is something wrong with not playing sportive :)
like in match 8bits vs dECLINE so FU FiF
totally different situation, but ok
dan wil ik mijn geld terug !
omg et is dead :>
omg et is dead :>
what happened?
I had enormous internet problems, so my teammates paused, after i lagged out again, they didnt pause, for atleast 4 times :DD
Worm had a lot of 999 during the game... ep didn't pause any time when it was required and the pauses were 150sec long or something like that
1 minute of bremen was 5o6, worm got lagged at the beginning of radar (18sec to spawn) and ep didn't want to restart match, 1,5-2 minutes of radar were 5o6 so ep won, also a little part of depot was 5o6. every time ep explained their decision by "fif vs decline"
that match is a shame on polish image :P
You have 30 on be 8B|FiFg
You lost
btw xD
1 minute of bremen was 5o6, worm got lagged at the beginning of radar (18sec to spawn) and ep didn't want to restart match, 1,5-2 minutes of radar were 5o6 so ep won, also a little part of depot was 5o6. every time ep explained their decision by "fif vs decline"
that match is a shame on polish image :P
You have 30 on be 8B|FiFg
You lost
btw xD
Tbh they followed the rules cant, but not very "sportive" about the situation though.
You have 380 on be 8B|FiFg
You lost
You lost
if you are happy to win a match like this, then i congratz ep =)
hellow attitude
i dont have more words for you and other people whining about this whole thing, if you want to make world better start from yourself
its good enough we agreed to change date of this match, we allowed MPG to played with merc, we allowed clans to move their official to their time, is anyone doing anything to us? no, cause they are polish and we dont give a shit about them
yesterday we wanted to start sooner against iR, to watch whole match ESP - ITA, but they didnt agree
we did it because Worm started to make fun of us, polish jokes "are you going to cdc5?" - yes we are polish, we are poor and we dont know, that pisses us off
its good enough we agreed to change date of this match, we allowed MPG to played with merc, we allowed clans to move their official to their time, is anyone doing anything to us? no, cause they are polish and we dont give a shit about them
yesterday we wanted to start sooner against iR, to watch whole match ESP - ITA, but they didnt agree
we did it because Worm started to make fun of us, polish jokes "are you going to cdc5?" - yes we are polish, we are poor and we dont know, that pisses us off
1. worm was just joking
2. we wouldve let decline play with a merc if it was a non-cheater
3. too bad about iR
4. thx for changing match date
=> still think it was retarded not to pause, I wouldn't be happy myself to win a match with such behaviour
2. we wouldve let decline play with a merc if it was a non-cheater
3. too bad about iR
4. thx for changing match date
=> still think it was retarded not to pause, I wouldn't be happy myself to win a match with such behaviour
im not proud of winning it, im irritated by this whole situation :x
im proud of worm.. he didnt cry that much :)
When EU teams are not fair to polish teams, everything is ok. But when WE are the same like YOU then everyone is whining. Start respect US we will respect YOU.
GG ep.
GG ep.
Respect has got to be earned first. Sorry!
yeah. And YOU like US never earned for this :)
we were fair vs decline imo ...
unfair? you just didn't have 6. Nothing we can do about that.
fajnie ze ep wygralo szkoda tylko ze chlopaki dosc niefajnie sie zachowali w stosunku do przeciwnika :/
Szkoda tylko, ze w takim momencie nikt nie potrafi przypomniec sobie chamskiego zachowania Cortany wobec nas w trakcie ostatniego meczu. FiF znane jest ze swojego ego-whinu z byle czego, to jest juz raczej rzecz dla nich normalna.
rozwazalismy nad tym czy dac pauze czy nie... doszlismy do wniosku, ze gdyby to bylo oppo pokroju mpg, impact czy cos w tym stylu, to warto byloby dac pauze zeby pograc... niestety to tylko fif... :)
nice savak gg well deserved win. If FiF wernt such whining unsympathetic retards (like vs Decline) I might have thought different. Funny as fuck actually as they were saying shit like get "internet" and stuff..
I'm laughing.
I'm laughing.
hihi :)
First time I bet for FiF and they lose -_-
First time I bet for FiF and they lose -_-
same here
jullie verliese wel veel he ;x
spec eerst de match, dan commentaar
FiF laat die zielige kankerpooltjes maar.