poutine vs na-mix (5281 views)

ca hyp3r
ca dynasty
ca punkk
us bape
us MoLLy
is fifty
us Foreigner
us peaches
us ohurcool
ca CrimZoN
us ForGoTTeN
gb Gnome

CyberGamer EU ET American Season 2
ET 6on6 League

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6on6 an hour before this /q
Cant make this sorry, goodluck!
hamerica hard tryin but still behind Europe gg
indeed, especially this Foreigner guy
I already proved myself against europe, no need to continue trying hard
Go on kate you beast
gl jon
merc avi for this
gl both!
gl hyp3rion
Wp poo team!
You have 20 on ca poo team
You won 78.2
was gonna go all in on you guys but got home too late to bet :D
no 180 degrees of straight booty fiz no win
yes delaying the match 15 minutes so fifty can replace toad yes win
did that really happen
Are u seriously blaming your loss on a 15mins match delay?
Starting the match at 8:09 when its supposed to start at 8. 9 minutes = 15 nice logic.
lol, true statement!
gnome nerd
You have € 500 on ca poutine
You won € 1955