BlackAdder Gaming v.2 vs ENVY (2903 views)

gb FKM
gb Jabba
gb Dizzji
gb Luigi
gb Vile
fi baMs
fi caej
fi hasta
fi unknown
ClanBase 5v5 SummerCup 2008- Third League
06.07.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Summer Cup 2008
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: BLOB (Generaladmin)
Maps: Adlernest

Total Pot: € 1328
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
fr Suck my dick & touch my balls #1
By: AZAA (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown



caej + slarto, omg omg... Shanuh wanted caej for bGaming but then Shanuh said we too low so he quit :SSSS omg omg omg lolololol hf gl

gl & hf bGaming & Envy :)
not sure if i can paly, 6th day would be nice
you shud ask before setting these on gamestv, check my challenge :x
lolol JaBBa is a belgiumtard not english :D

<3 JaBBa
good luck envy
gL diZzji
gogo fkm + dizzji
Vile @ vacation gg ;)
wtf r u doing in man, playin with cheaters like VWPolo lol, or u just chilling with ur friend Mistfits? If so np :D but I really recommend not playing with VWPolo, he was ex-bGaming and when I added him to CB I discovered that he was caught cheating b4 so maybe u prefer playing with low- like Luigi rather than low-- hackers like VW? :O
-> cheaters <- Wtf? And VW polo have never played with us rly.. Played one match, gave CB id, added in clan, -> and then he was gone, we are just too lazy to remove him from our cb members list :P
no crimzon=no win
true :) btw hi gnome :D its reflex .
gl my EX clan !!
random red-head geek <3
bAms & knife = Pro
gl caej
Cancel this match cuz bGaming has decided to drop their ET team cuz of lack of motivation and practice. We will drop out of SummerCup too :(
oh holey motherbeep damnit shit
ok its canceled now