Vicious and Evil vs n!faculty (4107 views)

pk valiant
gb Jeebs
gb Vexx
gb madbone
de MADKnut
de Noorgrin
de mikeX
de CopyKill
de outc1der
de Nager
de fliXX
de NeoX
de faux
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: Gamestar Liga (GSL)
Manager: Bestik (Generaladmin)
Maps: Island

Total Pot: € 8929
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Video Streams
Game-TV (IPTV) Stream #1
By: Greatbrian
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: german

Viewer Peak: unknown

ET Quake Wars TV
de war server
By: Bestik (none)
By: Telex (none)
sk #vae`ETQW.TV Server
By: Bestik (none)

Total Slots: 96
Viewer Peak: 32


1st! my first ever 1st!
Would you by any chance be trying to type * Senseless ? * If so it really isnt! iam celebrating my first 1st, dont be a sour puss just cos you got 2nd!
gl faux
neither faux or fliXX will play i guess, cause both stopped ET:QW quite a while ago...

will add the "real lineup" later, prolly n!fac gonna use 1 or 2 mercs...
mercs in an official?
gl vae (if u need some :) )
Official Statement:

Last time our teams met it resulted in a 4-2 epic. We expect this time around to be just as intense and are looking forward to a good game.
Do i need a valid ETQW key for watching ETQW-TV ?
no, all u need is ETQW 1.5 and etqwpro 0.55b
Actually, you don't need a key to watch QW:TVs, you just need to install the game and to start it with etqw-pro installed
Noorgrin =WIn
You have € 2 on de n! Cancel bet
Possible win: € 64.02

ge ell noorgrin <3 np4him x)
gl :)
N! is better, but VAE still plays and they don't. So I guess it'll be 4-2 again cuz VAE sux at Area22.
You have € 30 on de n! Cancel bet
Possible win: € 485.4

Go Go Upset
You have € 3 on n!
Match is a draw, you were reimbursed.
You have € 10 on de n!
Match is a draw, you were reimbursed.