invitium vs oXmoze (10119 views)

lt rodia
pl wiesiek
pl michat
pl riseje
pl turki
fi random
nl sturm
pl sinuss
nl RcK!
pt setupj
02.07.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Summer League
Manager: Rickk (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 49079
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
fr #NerdVibes Radio
By: Esox
Listen to Esox
Language: French

Total Slots: 500
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
de #37th Division ETTV2
By: T.Spark (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)
By: Jigsaw (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #3 [old]
By: Anaconda (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: mUnduS (ettvd)
fr #NerdVibes ETTV #4
By: Killerd@rk (ettvd)
nl Blachta ETTV #1
By: Blachta (ettvd)
ua ClanBase ETTV
By: Bartichello (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 136


1st !!
inv ofc ;]
szczurek wyjdz z domu
get normalny komentarz ?? to ze napsize cos na gtv nie oznacza ze w domu siedze xD
> all
wlasnie pewnie byles gdzie na boisku i na laptopie pisales ;o
z telefonu :) taki fajny mam o!
no to fajny nolajf z ciebie jak nawet na chwile nie umiesz sie oderwac od gtv ^^
lepsze to niz narkotyki :)
co prawda to prawda
gl parra! ^^
gluck turkije
gl rick :d
gl setupinho ^^,
omfg where is d1O!11
He's like going LAN with nice, so we don't need em anymore.
online only
sorry i can't handle the pressure of such stability, i prefer to play once a week with some noobs.
omoXoze can recruit players with irc chat only and then make a sticky news on xfire with the lineup that never did played more than 2 praccs.. mama did wanted to join tbh.. but he was blocked by his own BNC's crash, so twinz cannot recruit him anymore!!

I will help u. U are fuckin retarded really, acting cool here in public but being so nice in prvt chats on irc.
gl oXmoze
izi for invitium
<33 sturm go go go!
Turki & Rodia ofc
played against both of em... invitium is stronger
can't we only played Disqonnect with this line ;)
i'm from disq btw :D:D
olBaa lololol :d
oXmoze make your management proud! ;)
oXmoze ofc ;]
Parra gl JebankO & Muldanko !!
oXmoze gogo:D
Hey, hows you lately no more authentic?
Gl twinzzy ::D en alvast een fijne verjaardag :D
Gl twinzzy & parra :D!

parra jebanko ?
gl 2 u
gl twinzzy !
parra always wins..

gl setupj <3 and parra + RcK! ofc!!!!
gl oXmoze
Gl Sturm! xD

oha! Gl parra! ;)
Note:its parra & twinzzy's birthday when this match is LOEL :D:D:D:D
pl Turki
pl wiesiek
lt Rodia
pl riseje
pl saqu / michat
izi 4 wiesiek
wiesiek lol
ez for invitium for OBVIOUS reasons
Yes Lazio I know that you love us (this is obvious reason).
Yep, they're better.
izi bash oxmoze
inv ofc
You have € 25 on pl invitium Cancel bet
Possible win: € 293.5
wiesiek pokaraj !!
Parra in lineup more lotto please.
hf inv :)+
<3 plmichat
wiesiek ;OOO
izi invitium ;DDD
gl twinzz!!! go go go with no hax!!
lover <3
You have € 50 on pl invitium Cancel bet
Possible win: € 321
jak przegracie moje ostatnie pieniadze to macie all przesrane :P
gl Rodia <3
gl twinnzy D:
gl< Turki
plz oXmoze kick this noob lineup
I want to bet you are one of the lowskilled guys out of the FR community :D
oXmoze don't know "ET scene" u say ur high skilled team @ lan etc (u go lan? lololll) and where's lio & dio in ur LU? :DDDDd (t3h best player from ze w0rld)

Hum we have play a 3on3 together with jeffk and ur just a random med skiller.
turki...high skill idiot!


ps. that was very low for wiesiek
gl invitium !

wiesiek ? xD
GL invitium :) GL wiesiek
izi 4 wiesiek
2ez for inv :]
easy for wiesiek
od kiedy taki mlody sczyl jak ty , wypowiada sie o czyms o czym nie ma pojecia ;ooooo ?
od kiedy taki szczyl nazywa kogos szzylem? 15 lat skonczyles i sie bujasz?
Riseje <3 go pro rifle :p
wiesiek 'med+' mkay
wiesiek po dlugiej przerwie wiec pewnie bedzie troche slabiej gral :( Chyba ze cos tak gral :D
to jest jak jazda na rowerze tego sie nie zapomina!
Ale niektorym przerwy pomagaja :DDD Mojemu kumplowi po rocznej przerwie skill poszedl do gory 0.oo
You have 4606 on invitium
Possible win: 13311.34
ehmm RODIA:* moj ty grubasku wiesz co z tym poczac<3
Fear to jebana cipa kurwa mac, We will see :D
all money @ wiesiek :x
wiesiek = win
1st to napisalem ;o //prawa autorskie zastrzezone?
pl kRzz Wednesday, 2nd July 2008 09:09
iimo skad sie kurwa wiesiek nagle wziol? XD
gL wiesiek
Whats out for Twinzzy's EC team
I'm ec myself no worries, I don't use cheats like you did
Aww awesome comeback!
spank those polaks oy ridey
si si yo también os quiero
wiesiek ? oO
gl both
zaden wiesiek
OMG Wiesiek gra w invitium, co tak trudno to zrozumiec?
no fakt ;] sry zwracam honor
ostre lizanie dupy zadzialalo ... :)
hmm ja sie nie pytam co staremu codziennie robisz?
btw nie bylo zadnego lizania :P
PLZ get info a nie pierdolisz
dobra dobra wszyscy wiemy co rodia umie najlepiej
wiesiek omg wiesiek !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<# !!!
wiesiek > all ^^
Well played
Yes. Thx for nice game.
4-0 invi
expected :)
Oxmoze now dead?
You have € 100 on pl invitium
You won € 156
thx haxors
wiesiek in lineup?he back from UK?
izi money ;P
haha easy for inv GJ rodia wiesiu & turki...oh so bad twinzzy XD
yeah sorry that I had highest dmg :<
we-dont-fucking-care-since-you-lost :)
i don't care about you, since u are the next one who is going to lose :D
we dont care about your game and your highest dmg but u lose..maybe not like one player but lose like a team..anyway GL in future...
sorry but you didnt have highest dmg ;<, you had highest dmg on the pracc ;DD
haha nice olBaa you pwned him :D:D
Yeah i know, my 2nd name is "pwn3r"
Didn't I have highest dmg, go check stats :D
You can go and look the stats if you want, but you didnt have :<
Noes it was highest acc sorry :p
x))))))) mARKOOO mitä mies