na-mix vs Hodor (3593 views)

ca Tomun
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gb Gnome
fi toNyy
fr Snatix
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: foreigner (Highadmin)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 8971
The bets have been cancelled.

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Video Streams
By: foreigner
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English/Polish

Viewer Peak: 1

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 6

Overall Viewerpeak: 7


go snatix !
EL Clasico
Dajcie tficza jakiegoś :(
gl Shinok
Avi to send this backstabbing Foreigner back to Mexico, /q Webe on IRC iglamate. Tomun aswell.
it's not backstabbing if you deserve it
it's not backstabbing if he enjoyed it 8 |
rip tony
Gl osama bin igla
Fuer die brauchst du doch kein Glueck! Ich wollte ganz besonders igla Glueck wuenschen, weil der 31er nicht auf meine pm geantwortet hat
kannst auch fuer mich spielen wenn du magst ;:) bin eh kakke
Habe Besuch da, kann jetzt eh nicht mehr spielen. Aber danke :)
Pliers sharp here I come
add my stream pls :p
No idea who this polish trash is, but I'll cu@LAN cancerous faggot. Bones gonna be broken
Hey it was rq 4-0 hodor
fucking sad
Can someone brief me on what actually happened, possibly in non-drama manner, please? :D
Some nerd (a spec who connected in the middle) reffed up on the server and started kicking players, so we switched servers. na-mix had a good attack going and wanted hodor to let them take flag and vote the same time as before, hodor refused and na-mix left.