Team-Visual vs bimbos (11087 views)

30.11.16 21:00 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CG EU ET Season 4: 3on3 » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | CyberGamer EU | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Erdenberg_t1 | |
Sw_goldrush_te | ||
On Demand | ![]() |
Broadcasted by
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![]() By: bossik |
![]() Language: Dutch |
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![]() By: iNsAAA |
![]() Language: Dutch |
Viewer Peak: 17
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7
Viewer Peak: 7
Overall Viewerpeak:

Hey boys are you guys able to play on tuesday? If so q me xx
Would be nice to play It today, if you cant lemmeknow
Why do you play for both teams? Is the rule gone that u can only play for one team?
I do not play for both teams, i was just a stand in for the other Team since Fireball was Not avi to play
We need donex back
We need sauron back to hunt you gollum
I thought olbaa was called gollum :s
Yo blade we cant make ir today unfortunately. If you cant play other day we take wildcard. If you can play for instance on tuesday would be awesome. Let me know m8
You already used your wildcard
we played it that day as you can see.
Techinically you used your wildcard since you couldn't make it for the forced time and Echelon wouldn't change it.
Here you go: Wildcards can only be used before the official match time
-> Which you did and you agreed on the new TIME after the wildcard was used and the forced time passed. (It was still rescheduled)
Atleast this is how I see it. Hopefully Foreigner responses soon.
Here you go: Wildcards can only be used before the official match time
-> Which you did and you agreed on the new TIME after the wildcard was used and the forced time passed. (It was still rescheduled)
Atleast this is how I see it. Hopefully Foreigner responses soon.
It was not my decision foreigner decided last minute he'd drop his team out of the cup due being to busy. This game was initially planned on 2200:
This was the reason my team couldnt make it at the initial time. I spoke with Elviss after was cancelled, and since we all had time we agreed to play it right then.
So are we really gonna be this ridiculous about "technically this technically that", its no major league thing take a chill pill (foreigner). miereneuker
This was the reason my team couldnt make it at the initial time. I spoke with Elviss after was cancelled, and since we all had time we agreed to play it right then.
So are we really gonna be this ridiculous about "technically this technically that", its no major league thing take a chill pill (foreigner). miereneuker
You couldn't make a match at 20 CET because you had a match at 22 CET? Unless Sebhes makes you warmup on pub for 5 hours before the game, I don't see how that makes any sense.
i just dont get how you're trying to fuck us over because we had some differences last time. you're basically telling me i used my wildcard for 2 hours and 15 minutes, that shit makes no sense dont be a f'ing nitpicker
e: Elvis and I agreed on 2215.
e: Elvis and I agreed on 2215.
He is not trying to fuck you guys over or anything, but those are the rules. You could not come to an agreement about the date/time before the official "forced" one and Echelon stated that they can only play it that night (at that time you said you are going to use wildcard cause you can't make it) >>
Wildcard's idea is to be able to reschedule the game if a must and so you did.
Wildcard's idea is to be able to reschedule the game if a must and so you did.
You are gonna make great admin in the future
Foreigner knows what i was refering to
I have no idea how I'm trying to fuck you over, no. I am following the rules.
cool! do what must be done admin foreigner
IAS candidate
wat praat jij gap, eerst reageren dan twijfelen over je commentje en veranderen? heb je niks beters te doen in je leven.
andere comment gedaan waar je wel iets op kan reageren ;)
ga je moeder pesten ofzo, rare guy jij niemand vraagt jou wat
eerst een hard werkende ET pro pesten
Jou reacties hebben 0 toegevoegde waarde. Je bent niks waard man dus ga ook niet op je reageren. low life gap
je hebt net gereageerd?
What froxe said. You couldn't play it at that time and didn't care to contact echelon or couldn't contact them, so you used your wildcard. You scheduled it for later that day but that doesn't change the fact that you used your wildcard. I'm sure Bl4d3 won't mind moving it though, try to contact him.
whatever man
match gonna be played wednesday 21:00cet
what he said.
Froxe go back to csgo
And please dont act like its the word cup final of LoL. Gimme a break. I prefered to be kicked then play in this tryhard cup. More h1z1 time or nah insane :)
And please dont act like its the word cup final of LoL. Gimme a break. I prefered to be kicked then play in this tryhard cup. More h1z1 time or nah insane :)
truth fam
ff in de billen of nah fam
solidariteit broer ken je niet
gang gang
noo man ik ben alleen niet zo van de stijl "oh kijk ik ben heel wat ik geef niet om de cup speel liever h1z1". Schrijf je niet in voor een cup als je zo een instelling hebt en wanneer je dat wel doet heb je je gewoon aan de regels te houden. Admin zijn volste goedrecht om de regels te volgen
Het probleem zit hem echter in het feit dat het aantal spelers dat over is bepalend is over wie je de autoriteit wilt uitoefenen/toepassen. M.a.w. zonder enige compassie of flexibilteit vanuit het admin hok zul je niet ver komen. Het gaat om 2u en een kwartiert maar meneer Trump wilt lopen miereneuken omdat z'n ass van een server geflikkerd is door mij. Dus dit maakte het persoonlijk. And for those talking with "technically this and that, fuck you blody twat, technically that is."
gaat die toch reageren deze man hahahaha ik ben out :P
That is exactly what I was thinking 8)
Wow what a threat!
You hear that boys?
He's gonna leave if we don't let him break the rules.
You hear that boys?
He's gonna leave if we don't let him break the rules.
i demand forfeit.
Best flame match end 2016 gl vIsUal
Friendly reminder 2k14 huehue,
Glad we are all friends now, right yermanz :x

hahaha :D
Is that a yes or no :s
Mote like a questionmark
you want to be mah frend brah?
you want to be mah bro dude?
You really wanna go there penchot
Yes I want you to show me all the matches you won with high ping :)
cba but that 6o6 was basically 2o6
so much hate to friends :(
here is a prime example that some people in et won't get an idea that it's a team based game and being able to be at the top of dmg doesn't mean that you or someone played alone, regardless you win or not, because you wouldn't do shit 2vs6
Agree with you WuT but what do you think about the statement that, in general, people with higher damage have more game sense and thus are more useful to the team.
Who the fuck said that :D
That's not true in any way. I played with too many ppl and rambos, who for example would kill you or shoot at you while you push out 3 seconds before your spawn. Do u call that better gamesense? Because on the paper, they might end up with higher damage than a guy who didn't shoot but waited for the respawn. But in fact, they just wasted their ammo for literally nothing but their ego or LACK of your so praised game sense.
That's just a small example. But u will find that on the servers on a daily basis...
That's just a small example. But u will find that on the servers on a daily basis...
Often it's those who sit back and wait for opponent to push so they can get useless or clean up kills and then when they lose they say 'look at my damage tho'
Often it's those who sit back and wait for opponent to push so they can get useless or clean up kills and then when they lose they say 'look at my damage tho'
With some people you were refering to me? Im am not a rambo or do stupid shit or apply stupid gameplay. And you should know that. Beside your comment werent you destroyed last time by randoms in that 3o3 offi? Could be wrong
>bragging on internet about "being destroyed" by someone
Oh shit
this is not internet
That was one of the worst matches I have ever played in with a team. I think I was the only one motivated at that point. I would be more than glad to revanche you in a match on your server ipod!
ah cool, was that the last match you won on an NA server despite being on the team with massively higher damage every time?
Say no more
Say no more
Say no more
Say no more
You would rematch on NA server?
Yea sure why not
Sure :) sunday?
I have to check with team mates for this Sunday because we have to play 2 matches for the cup. If possible, can you play it like 4 h earlier than our previous match?
Gl my brother <3
Man i was fucking kidding. Chill. I trust my team and lots of games has proven my team is almost undefeatable. And that is not based on aim only.
so this is what drama looks like in 2016
Everyone come watch our streams so we can see full rambo mode kills only dmg only no teamplay whatsoever because that brought us here today yes
- Vinx, 14
Only -14 ?...
Omg real re+play?
fi Kirurgi Monday, 29th December 2008 21:23
my first game imo
my first game imo
Swanidius Tuesday, 28th July 2009 01:42
no. i have lost my aim!!!!!!!!!! i blame pb
no. i have lost my aim!!!!!!!!!! i blame pb
fi vokki Monday, 12th October 2009 20:08
hahaha ja stimmt schon :D !