Elysium vs Team Solo B (6178 views)

ch 7ele
de Ava
nl GiZmOoO
nl iNsAne
nl outlAw
nl Sebhes
pl Abj
pl hunter
pl BloOdje
pl sNi
pl s1LENT

CyberGamer EU ET Season 4
6on6 League
Group A

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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET Season 4: 6on6 » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: foreigner (Highadmin)
Maps: Frostbite
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Total Pot: € 4311
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Video Streams
By: WuT>/
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: Polish/English
By: bossik
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Language: Dutch

Viewer Peak: 10

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17

Overall Viewerpeak: 27


AVI haehae
Prawdopodobnie avi to cast
WuT - czyn prosze honory :D http://www.gamestv.org/server/6170-szczurkowski/
Dobry mecz bedzie, jak ich szosty bedzie dziod to wygracie

gl both
omg L4mpje omg
HF sNi&WuT
can we play it a little bit earlier like 21:30?
nie rob mi tego Rekin, moge sie nie wyrobic znowu
outlAw cant make it before 22 CET Bloodje sorry. It is also not optimal for me
Avi :x
Lemme know if youll need a helping hand xx
easy elysium
fb me if u need 1 more
No Twitch streams live boys?
thats why i am not going to stream it after all ;/
The amount of swapping players between teams is absurd =D just remove the whole rule
Mercs are NOT allowed. Any player who is not a Member, Lieutenant, or Captain of the team is considered a merc. In other words, players who are not in the team or are listed as "Applied to Join" or "Invited" are not allowed to play. However, by readying up, you accept any ineligibility of any player on the opposing team
dobra dobra lizodupie nie podniecaj sie
Mad et 2k16 xDDDDD
However, if you don't ready up, you are cancer faggot without sportsmanship
The amount of swapping players between teams is absurd =D just remove the whole league

(hihihihi :X)
4:0 TSB
4-2 elysium. What do you say now?
Why did this get cancelled?
foreigner Today 03:37 BOBiKA, hunter, and s1LENT were ineligible to play for Team Solo B.
1) Sebhes agreed to play it and doubt any of them had any real issue with it
2) 7ele also played for vodbull already so what?
1.) Sebhes was told that hunter hadn't already played for another team and I guess he wasn't aware that s1LENT wasn't a member of Team Solo B. And I don't care if the opponent agreed, I specifically told BloOdje before the match the ONE merc is allowed and he knowingly used three.

2.) I'm assuming 7ele was allowed to play by the Team Solo B guys. No one has raised the issue that he wasn't permitted by the opponent, and as both teams were informed, ONE merc is allowed if both teams agree. If he wasn't allowed, the circumstances are changed, but it's being cancelled either way.
ok but RULES IS RULES . "Mercs are NOT allowed. Any player who is not a Member, Lieutenant, or Captain of the team is considered a merc. In other words, players who are not in the team or are listed as "Applied to Join" or "Invited" are not allowed to play."
"Mercs are NOT allowed. Any player who is not a Member, Lieutenant, or Captain of the team is considered a merc. In other words, players who are not in the team or are listed as "Applied to Join" or "Invited" are not allowed to play."
Look teams on cybergamer , ok team solo b dont had hunter , silent , bobika OK OK , but elysium had only Sebhes , rest can't play RULES IS RULES !!! so REMATCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How are you related to team Solo B?
G eneral manager TEAM SOLO B - e-sports organization
Well maybe you should general manage a full 6 players next time.
yes, what Sebhes did was irresponsible and against the rules, but it's not the same as what Team Solo B did. If we're following that rule 100% as it's written and enforcing it strictly, Sebhes' teammates wouldn't have been allowed, but there are many times where a player isn't added to the team on CG and we let it go. On the other hand, Team Solo B used players who wouldn't be allowed to play even if they were added to the team.
ph ye it's true , so rematch this ,.. and tsb and Elysium done something wrong ...
Rematch? Man we would fuckem over. Waist of time
Sebhes was specifically told before the match by BloOdje and me that me, hunter and s1lent are used as three mercs, he agreed to it and was aware well before the match started
then Sebhes lied to me. I don't really care anyway, as I stated earlier, both teams knew that one merc would be allowed and should've been able to assume the consequences.
Shame the ETTV didn't record the chat earlier or that I only started recording with everyone on the server, Sebhes once again being a spineless lying piece of shit, whatever.
I saw someone ego quitting during the match, only then I realized it was you, I apologize buddy ;)
I didn't egoquit, it was a fullhold and I had to go to sleep.

On the other hand, would rather be considered (falsely) an egoquitter than a spineless twat who is able to lie so hard, you dumbfucked prick.
Calm down son, that's probably also why your whatsapp says "Last seen: 00:25"
I'm completely calm, just find it amusing there is such a cunt in 2016 scene like you who has zero shame in lying lmao

Edit: Last message I got on whatsapp is Saturday 23:15, and I don't have the app on my background so I don't check it, who knows why it shows that when I was already asleep for atleast half an hour by that point :)
Even disconnected from TS and turned PC off (automatically after updates installed lol) at around half past eleven, but yeah. Atleast I don't blatantly lie like you, fuckwit
calm down man you are going to make sebhes cry....
et srsly business xDDDD
oha wait , Foreinger can you tell me something ? you cancelled match because TSB had 3 mercs , yes? but well , i looked at cybergamer website and elysium had only 1 player , sebhes . So elysium had 5 merces , sebhes only can play , rest can't.
So what are the rules where ???? you or someone wrote on cybergamer : "Mercs are NOT allowed. Any player who is not a Member, Lieutenant, or Captain of the team is considered a merc. In other words, players who are not in the team or are listed as "Applied to Join" or "Invited" are not allowed to play."

yes but I hate everyone on team solo b and want them to lose
go get em tiger
Ohh ye you are low - , team solo b are med + so you hate all players .
So you are fucking CWEL , no admin
I just wish I could find a way to fuck over iNsAne at the same time
OAH hating your own team's members gg
How are you related to team Solo B?
admins being admins
Miss the times with ohurcool, for some of the bad stuff he may have done in a subjective point of view, he wasn't really a spineless lying cunt.
Shit admins
However I don't know what you expected from Polaks xdddd
Indeed, next time I'll just let them use 3 players from other teams. I'm sure that's what ohurcool would do.
I was joking friend.
However, if the opponent is allowing them to use 3 mercs then you shouldn't prevent them from playing.
next time sebhes should add people to the squad as well.. or are admins again above the rules?
you clearly didn't read my other posts. multiple teams on multiple occasions have broken the rule that Sebhes did with no consequences. it's nothing to do with him being an admin, but rather that we choose to enforce different rules in different ways because some are more important than others.