teamoxid vs Jokerinhos (4890 views)

de kReSti
de stRay
ro Damon
nl shjzn
nl GiZmoO
05.01.17 15:45 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: stray (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
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Total Pot: € 150
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 4


nerds praccing for lan
lol 15:45 nice life
om te gieren
shjzn awesome :o
He did well idd
it wasn't ironic ;)
I wasnt ironic lol, he rly played well
and i've heard Vinx has beaten shjzn !
didnt he beat you also?
Vinx ? hmmm.. I don't think so .. ;D

But I must admit he becomes a strong opponent, he knows how I play :p smartboy !
Lol, ive beaten vinx in a 1o1 so u can ask him
I've spected your match once, he won ;P then he told me you played each other again like 2 month ago, he won again :P

after.. i don't know :D
he just lying, but anyway idgaf about him his a dick, and couldnt care less about 1o1 cuz its fcking shit
Nice lie lowbob
lol are u serious now, why have to hide i won the other game man XD gg
Won all games vs you and said :"weird movement" go sux other players
haha ok young man u talk to much be quiet fcking prick
well, it's not because he is my friend but... I believe Vinx ;)
ye ok cool couldnt care less man, go play ur 1o1 and stick on that frenchies
J'aime cette provoque par contre t'es chiant a le chauffer mdr c'est R si je l'ai battu 30x il est nul y'a aucun merite..
Couldnt take south now aye dirty bastards ghehehe <3