mAlibu vs gentleMen (5346 views)

nl kApot
fi froxe
fi Swanidius
nl rezta
pl nejm
nl timbolina

CyberGamer EU ET Season 4
3on3 Division 2
LB - Semi Final

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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET Season 4: 3on3 » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: foreigner (Highadmin)
Maps: Et_ice
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 4048
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Video Streams
Swanidius gaming club
By: Swanidius
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English

Viewer Peak: 4

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12

Overall Viewerpeak: 16


I'm not avi during the weekend, monday - thursday, 20 - 21 CET is fine for me.
gl gmen
tramp not avi, you can safely bet on malibu now.

maybe see you in grand final 8)
gl guys
-froxe + shjzn
- shjzn + vinx
kapot, swanidius and vinx vs timbolina, rezta and vinx
sounds interesting.
Got 2 Pc.
omg you're now a true gamer !
why ? :'(
cause you got 2 pc :p

Mais je rigole mon Vinx, tu es un joueur un vrai ! :) <3
gg vinx
thanks that was easy
gg vinx
You have 70 on eu mAlibu
You won 141.4

Ale zes kapote zagral, nawet upload cie nie wykerowal :/
raczej gral zamiast mnie
i byl chujowy :/
avi to end Swanidius' shameful pocal run appearance in the 2nd division
No man. There is no stopping
-tramp +timbolina
i didnt play that match bro :)
U sucked :)
me neither wtf

do we call admins to let us replay it?