Elysium vs Team Solo B (12302 views)

nl GiZmOoO
nl hayaa
nl iNsAne
be Jere
be PlAyer
cl Sebhes
pl Abject
pl b3lka
pl BloOdje
pl dialer
pl h2o
pl WuT

CyberGamer EU ET Season 4
6on6 League
LB - Final

Brackets - #cg.et - Rules
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET Season 4: 6on6 » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: Sebhes (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 9268
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By: bossik
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: Dutch
By: bossik
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English / Polish

Viewer Peak: 22

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14

Overall Viewerpeak: 36


dat Sebhes flag, gonna be fun 300 ping
Wheres his brother hans? XD
Hes currently on vacation in the North. Too shy to meet. Met mgza, nozz, M@x and merce tho :$
Your goal in life is to travel around the world, and meet every ET Players right? :D
And lie to his irl friends about who's he meeting with, the fucking big nosed cunt
Haha I think you have found out 😛
A showmatch of the upcoming LAN final between ET finest players
The shit talking has begun early I see xd
Nice joke m8
Edit* A showmatch of the upcoming LAN final between ET legendary Sebhes and other random players.
dont be mad, it was just ladder game krestus :*
who are you again ?
iam not mad, just saying sebhes is legendary and we are all randoms :(
I wish I could be like sebhes one day.

But I don't see any bro
It's OK bro xD
I'm avi to replace you. Message me the details in whatsapp.
As proud leader I am introducing Sebhesaño, a young but driven new member of the Elysium family.
Pozdrawiam Paule
Ja tez
Paula tez Cie pozdrawia :D
Tak czułem <3 xDDD
mnie debilu nie ciebie
ciebie tylko ziomki z lawki pozdrawiaja cwelu
niezle inwektywy kurwiu ciekawe czy bedziesz tak wyszczekany jak zajebe na ciebie dissa na mtv xd
Brawo panowie! Słownik jak widać dotarł, a vi3ri odkrył już pierwsze trudne słowo.
Na świecie jest pewnych 5 rzeczy:
2)vi3ri z ziomkami pod domem na ławce
3)vi3ri i jego teksty
Zamiast przymierza krwi musisz wypic z vi3rim vipa na pol i zrobic przykuca na lawce, wtedy jestes w ekipie i mozesz juz walczyc o przetrwanie na osiedlu a i nie zapomnij jebac policje
jedyne co ty vieri mozesz zajebac to wisnie pod landryne ze starym pod monopolem
kim ty kurwo jestes Ja cie kurwo skads kojarze
a ty co jestes jakis nejm jebany? z tego co wiadomo to kojarzysz sie kazdemu z tego ze jestes prostakiem, imbecylem i ameba umyslowa
mowi to pedal znany z tego ze wylapal z 10 banow na pizde.
lepiej wylapac 10 banow na pizde niz na pizde od starego najebanego
Tym "panczem" zblizasz sie do tego samego poziomu, nie rob tego xDDD
Smiechlem XD
10? kurwa ale ty zjebany jestes
un joueur legendaire
I would wish you good luck Damian, but you abandoned CSGO. So fuck you
Let it go
What the fuck are you even trying to pretend you know anything about anything you weird cunt
cz bob.cze Monday, 28th November 2016 19:43
I'm completely calm

Stay calm & Let it go
Akuk ty kartoflu wyrosłes kasztanie co tam :)
avi to replace b3lka
Some1 upload dis shit 2 YouTube if possible svp :oo
Why YouTube? Can post the twitch link if you want
Provider laat t niet toe om video's van Twitch te bekijken. .
Shaffie moet zijn demo naar YouTube uploaden..! ik wil wat geown zien..:/
moet mijn oud verslaving eff strelen :s
- belka
+ przęsło
Wehre the fuck is outlow
He quit ET after an internal conflict with iNsAne and GizmOoO. Don't expect him to come back anymore, ever..
no way
rib, et has deaded
deleted all his friiends on crossfire and facebook?
Deserved win
1st your keyboard, now your headset. Next time you're gonna have to walk away.

haha, when that happened I guessed it was some sort of peripheral thrown :D
cast & up on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMTDhj1UTRE

Final hopefully up by next week.