AddictsKlan #HighLevel- vs Freshcore (4413 views)

pt yoshi
pt amnesia
pt qbr-tls
pt Hellblack
be bNd
pt Sorcerer
pt muzzi
pl phase
pl hristo
pl chill'out
ee war
pl szuwar
pl maynard
01.07.08 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: yoshiii (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b2
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 7514
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
pt Stop&play|ETL ETTV Server
By: yoshiii
Listen to yoshiii
(unknown language)

Total Slots: 15
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 39


Line ups ?
gogo AK ;p
easy for addicts klan
if it addictsklan like yesterday easy for freshcore
You have € 286 on eu #addicts Cancel bet
Possible win: € 388.96

easy money

and vieri dont worry i promise you today ak will play diferent and better than yesterday , dont dream just keep working for the match tonight ^^

AK < 3

Gl yoshi ^^
phase (C) <hahahaha> ten to mnie rozpierdala RLY xD
izi bash for ak
Good Luck war !
i tak wiadomo ze phase zbije all to po co gra?
xdddddddddddddddddddd, gl Addicts
gl war :*
GL Ak.
You have 3410 on #addicts
Possible win: 4194.3
Impossible 2 lose!? I hope so!
É pa ganhar ppl
gl rebellion
2-2 i leave we lost
Phase do TP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mial najmniej dmg rifla ale wazny jest obj :( xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
na supply nie gra sie tak latwo rifla
What's the score?
omg so lucky @ addicts.
ofcorse it was lucky.
krys wasn't luck was SorcereR skill
good work at bremen AK :)
yes, it was rly nice =)
lol haha sorcer, but well played both teams.
nice game
cant see how AK can win something, they suck :(
LOOOOOL we suck ...ofc ..... domi .. you play with cheats or you just use bots for ppl seeing you play well ..hmm dont shut up and let the others play.... - - " fucking kid

and i have a question ..if we suck ..why did you saw our match ....xD ...i OMFG !

-- -

i didnt even saw your match + you gotmy demos 2 weeks nowand still you keep saying i cheat.. hmm?

yes i got and...i can still someday you was cheating on that macth agaisnt us ..fck retard .. you think you are the best palyer of the world ..i could be that but for noob skilled's or fck cheater omfg ..... only i want from whine when we do a macth and put on games tv ... if dont like us ..its your problem but get some respect for the others players ok ??

thnks ^^

i do have respect, but if you are insulting me all the time with retard etc, cheater you get this from me and i dont think im the best player in the world, i know enough people who are better then me and i accept it. and you are not doing that at all, every1 who is better then you must be a cheater
not so realy because , i respect to the greastest palyers on this game and also to cheaters ..but .... i dont respect some kind of people who are whining which game we do ...just like you do X) ,,,but is respect you want .. i got it ..but plz stop stop stop said cheats about our games ok ?....if you dont like us .. keep going but respect us ok X) ....????

if you stop ..we respect you ...

and thnks for the posts XD

domi go fuck ur self rly.
fucking retard