teamoxid vs Elysium (4261 views)

de Bl4d3
de stownage
de stRay
nl GiZmOoO
nl hayaa
nl iNsAne
be Jere
nl outlAw
nl Sebhes

KBG 6on6 LAN - Groupstage
Play offs
LB - Semi Final

News - #teamoxid - Play offs


heerlijk gespeeld boys, klasse!
Dupe zamknij pedale
All this practice for nothing Flop Flopping like normal. Time for team to think about removing, atleast you dont have to travel far to go home
They paid 15 today, in a room that was so hot was unreal to be honest. Games should have been split up
that's what happens on LAN. Everyone is tired and both teams agreed to play it now
We all did us elysium germans all the Same man
Yeah I forgot you guys where down there! I mixed you up with the guys up here in the ac room :) but good anyway! we did great our first 3 games, then we crashed and burned lol dam hungry
That's Alright, I see you outside at 2 pm for a 1on1 xx
Don't think this was lb final?
lol :DDD Go on Sebhes