Vicious and Evil vs n!faculty (4295 views)

pk valiant
gb Jeebs
gb madbone
de Noorgrin
gb Vexx
se Holi
de mikeX
de CopyKill
de outc1der
de Nager
de NeoX
de cRks
GSL Finals


2-2 once again
not possible this time... these are the GSL Finals feat. 4K,VAE,GaB and n!fac... so there will be no ties this time :D
alles auf dich gesetzt!
mach mich reich baby :D
bei ner quote von 1.05 geht das auch so gut ^^

4-2 for VAE, because n! never practices.. Regardless they outplay on Area22 since it's not THAT MUCH of a nademap. Word on the street is saying VAE is good on Salvage... And VAE always wins deciders (good argument eh) so 4-2!! Can't believe I came with such a close prediction on 10 in the morning :D
oh noez!
Don't be so superficial!
Dr. Bestik you Fail!!!!!!! <3

(only real life doctor to boast about his 'KILLING SPREES' while examing patients and only real life doctor to come out of surgery cool as eva wearing shades and in a deep voice saying not much more to the anxiously waiting group of relatives then either 'FLAWLESS VICTORY' or 'FATALITY' before strolling off to lunch!)
lol, valiant...go! write a book
designate vs n! = 3:1 "Summer Cup"
easy bash for vae
You have € 10 on eu VAE Cancel bet
Possible win: € 14.8

np4noorgrin ^-^
eZbash 4 Noorgrin
Official Statement:

"n!faculty are a skilled team and due to recent encounters know us well. VAE are still without MADKnut so our newest addition to the team Holi once again is given the oppertunity to shine."
gl hf
gl Germany :)
izi for Vae
easy for Noorgrin !
team_yermany hatt versagt
Ich sags immer wieder Noorgrin = WIN