iOwnage vs atumis (5657 views)

nl iNsAne
de Bl4d3
ro Damon
nl shjzn
pl BloOdje
28.06.17 23:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: mEnace (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 0
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 3


need 3rd
i officially played the last game of ET
Ach so
cu lan
Going out with negative dmg, perfect
i officially played the last game of ET
bloodje was a trash in the last game of ET
And won it. Get ready for those juicy interviews
i officially played the last game of ET
Where all the nerds at? 0 games so far in July
I officially commented in the last game of ET.
Hey nice comment bro.
I unofficially commented in the thread of the last game of ET.
I officially commented in the last unofficially comment in the thread of the last game of ET.
I unofficially commented on the officially commented in the last unofficially comment in the thread of the last game of ET.
I'm officially the last Current Gbooky Top Player (even though I dind't place a bet in the last game of ET)
I'm officially the first one to comment on the last current gbooky top player's comment (even though he didn't place a bet in the last game of ET)
I'm officially the first one to comment on the official first comment on the last current gbooky top player's comment (even though he didn't place a bet in the last game of ET)
i'm officially the first one to combobreak on the first one to comment on the official first comment on the last current gbooky top player's comment (even though he didn't place a bet in the last game of ET)
I'm officially the first non-nerd commenting on this thread.
I'm officially the first one going to teh cklub tonight getting pussies while the only thing you will get is a mouse in your hand
I'm officialy the first one, with polish flag, to announce that this comment section is legen... WAIT FOR IT
can i say it?
u mad? said it b4 u lol
i am not using vpn.
Last comment on gtv
et is dead but i hope its zombie also
et is dead but i hope its zombie also
et is dead but i hope its zombie also
et is dead but i hope its zombie also
hope is dead but i zombie its et also
i hope et is dead but it's also zombie
zombie is dead but i hope et its also
2017, the year Foreigner and ET died.
