Dank Memes Gang vs PoKeMaNs (8083 views)
07.01.18 22:00 CET

Hf truite kebab eminem
hf sanjih
You have 199 on eu POKE
You won 2563.12
You won 2563.12
17 gibs im impressed
me too :)
Stats totally bugged out, but w/e :D
stats tell me you lost a 5v2
rekt :D
You have 100 on eu POKE
You won 1288 :D
You won 1288 :D
The gibber
ez for banga
No Swanidius no win
Abj leku wut im insanely dissapointed...;(
So the better team and individuals won against weaker opponent, where is the big upset? lEku and WuT cant win shit without their number one carrier (me) or their second carrier (swalinius),
if you would be such a carrier you wouldnt have to point your name out.
hue hue hue hue hue
hue hue hue hue hue
omg, thanksfully i Didn't bet, gg Pokemons
if DMG removed BloOdje and put someone else instead, I think they would have won..
if DMG removed BloOdje and put someone else instead, I think they would have won..
glad they finally won in 2018
2018 play ET nice lifes lolled
2018 play ET nice lifes lolled
2018 play ET lolled lifes nice
Polaczki jak cienko, cale zycie to gracie a wpierdol od leszczy :)