P*SSYBASHERS vs iOwnage (10352 views)

fi Rong
fi Sungi
gb Jinosta
de suuhkk
us ipod
11.02.18 19:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: klientpro Winter Cup
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Rong (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 76247
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 23


without AC pls xD
Damon - official patron of clean and fair gameplay in 2k18
Damon i am not in subject but let me tell You something important... everybody know's that Finnish are in the best condition at winter :) No cheats just skill baby
ye bro np
Naucz sie kurwo angielskiego a nie z translatora napierdalasz z błędami nieuku.
slownik angielsko polski sie znalazl :D
Ale jak widać ty nie potrafisz zlożyć poprawnego składniowo zdania w swoim ojczystym języku, wiec na chuj sie do niego przypierdalasz?
krytyk has composed 0 news, 485 comments, 0 threads, 0 forumposts and demanded 74 replays on GamesTV.org.

Ciekawe masz życie, zazdroszcze; )
22nd December 2017

ja tobie też
12th February 2011
Ty chyba nie zrozumiałeś przekazu
koles nie masz zycia ^^
przez 10 lat, a teraz wypierdalaj bo przepadnie ci kolejka do prysznica w akademiku
What round is it?
You have € 24 on eu iO Cancel bet
Possible win: € 663.36

I have faith.
So much faith that you put 24 under, high roller!
mmm wreszcie jakis meczyk bez polakow
mitä vittua:D
may be played without main lineup as i can't seem to get to them
make sure you let us know, So I can take my gamestv moneys back :PpPPP
We understand if they want to pussy out.
haha i've tried getting outlaw last 2 days but no reply when i asked so we'll play with mercs but update lineup before
There is no point playing this mate, trust me. Ill save you the trouble
ahh i tried messaging you both but didn't reply it's only a shitty cup anyway bro
You could at least show more respect to the organizers than calling it a shit cup. Props to the ones putting effort in organizing tournaments for ungrateful players like you.
Quality of players determine quality of cup.
+1, we would boycott this too
You have € 3000 on eu iO
You lost

The fuck is this different lineup :rage:
You have € 333 on fi lolpussy
You won € 389.61
thx friends and lordi
very intense
You have € 4171 on fi lolpussy
You won € 4880.07
Disappearing when people said you were cheating and now you're back and proud of yourself winning this haha fdp
people said that since 2009
Ye finland strong. Shoutout
Walls harder then me and yiii together XD
fi back on ET's top, like it should be. Don't think these kids cheat, they have just played this game for 10 000 hours and finally win something when there are noobs like Jinosta in the final. :D

I'm still waiting Swani to win a cup after 15 years of ET...


Sori Matias että joudun pettää sut mutta lopetin ET ku en pääse connectaa etproservuille
>finally win something

almost choked on my cereal
Quotethey have just played this game for 10 000 hours

10,000 hours of supply flag defence
iOwnage should get perm ban for all competitions for change lineup in the last moment.
59,000 € on fi lolpussy Won 69,030€

Rong knew it and took my 1st place in gbooky :<
zaczynal na lawce pod blokiem skonczyl na salonach, sprzedal ziomkow z wksu na psach i dolaczyl do lks
jesteś niedojebany nie wiesz kto z kim ma sztamy masz obsrane sztany z psami chodzisz na tany i ogólnie za pałe jesteś postrzegany i na kazdym kroku jebany .
a ty vi3ri z tymi rymami mozesz konkurowac z Pikejem :XDDDddd
Smiecie na socjalu nie maja prawa glosu :)
Smiecie takie jak ty które sa po ohp nie maja nic do powiedzenia, zapierdalaj dalej zbierac butelki po imprezach parówkarzu jebany.
no tak bo uklady i zgody to taki temat tabu ze nikt nic nie wie a ciebie to strasznie rozjuszylo wiec gdzies tam ziarenko prawdy w tym jest chyba xD
Jestem pod ogromnym wrazeniem tego tekstu <3
Chłopak zdolny widać rodzina nauczyła XD
Kolejne rymy z magiczego zeszytu z rymami
Vieri hip hopowcu, nagramy coś wierze XD
ale najpierw walcie na lekcje do KOKI :D
Akuku ty pipo pozdro!
pozdro foxu mordunio :D
wait what
No chance at all anyway against sng's walleyes so nvm
You all keep shit talking but yet there is still no one proof about this.
As an expierenced cheater, I know.
look at the lineup..
ban over. ready to rumble
GOD Ipod :)))
Cless, medic, lojt