8Bits/FiF*Green* vs Cortana (5341 views)

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fi squall
Last Survival Cup Match
Winner goes to last 4 of ESL EMS

Match Link
13.07.08 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL EMS Survival Cup
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Jere (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
Loser's Choice

Total Pot: € 27045
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #2
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 2
By: andyF1 (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 64


money on FiF ..gl!
FiF ofc
8 is a bit early. Can we play at 9?
cortana ftw!
Squall is cortana? :o
yep.. butchji will propably join too. and if urtier comes back me might be in too.

as i heard urtier gets them into 4kings or dignitas then
GL !
gl cortana
gl cro :P
gl komar!
cortana will win if squall won´t scream @vent like a brain cripple <3

gl gunner,squall & some others
will be an awesome match, gl hf both !!!
awesome match and now I want shoutouts!
You have € 50 on be 8B|FiFg Cancel bet
Possible win: € 198.5

gogo FiF !!
GL both :D
go crotards go <333
gl FiF
squalliiiiii :L
gl cortana
jos luulet olevasi cool poistamalla vokaalit nimestäs,sult jäi tost eest toi I
:::::D reps
Joo, oho pitää poistaa se sit
gl crotards <3
You have € 50 on be 8B|FiFg Cancel bet
Possible win: € 206.5

make me rich!
squal osiol
whats squall doin there oO
gogo Gunner!!!!!!!!
gl cortana
gl cortana
isi for FiF aka noheads :)
FiF gl! :)
Gl Worm & Jere
gl Worm, make me rich :)
gl squall + cortana
np for squall
np for the stikla lads ;p
gl FiF :>
gl squall
gl fif
gl squal
gl cor make me rich :)
go jere !
Jammer dat Freedune niet meedoet, die had het wel heel snel afgemaakt.
gl fif
forfeit win for 8bits fif green because cortana couldnt get 6 unfortunately :x