Vicious and Evil vs Four Kings (4885 views)

pk valiant
gb Jeebs
gb madbone
gb Vexx
de Noorgrin
de MADKnut
gb nkm
nl rufio
dk dranzer
no rglaf
es winghaven
pl Fi5kuS
GSL WinnerBracket Final
12.07.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: Gamestar Liga (GSL)
Manager: Bestik (Generaladmin)
Maps: Volcano

Total Pot: € 19601
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
de war server
By: Bestik (none)
nl KAPOKS TV Server
By: Orrie (none)
sk #vae`ETQW.TV Server
By: Bestik (none)

Total Slots: 96
Viewer Peak: 54


gl hf ;)
pl Fi5kuS
winghaven ftw <3
gl Fi5kuS !
i can't see it :c
Official Statement:

"This will be a tough match for VAE, but we are looking forward to it."
impressive statement ! :D
fikus?? lol jakie miasto w polsce?
go vae !
FI5KUS going to woop some asses imo...rofl
w1Ng > v&e
have fun winghaven :)#
how r u doing btw ...didnt talk to u since long time :>
Easy for RuFiO! :)
saturday, 9pm, omg they've got to be nolife's or 4K! hf :)
match was forced by GSL to either Friday or Saturday ...
why do 4 kings have 7 players? :o
Because pokemans got a weird fetish for Fi5kuS.
HAHAHAHA! Fi5KuS will instarage. And thanks for being a retard, valiant, btw.

and what exactly are you biatching about now? For not allowing mercs in an OFFICIAL match or for discussing it well in advance with 4Kings to ensure there was no e-drama? what next? VAE should be banned from tournament for playing all our matches with our 'real lineup' and for playing fair rather than making 'side deals' with admins. Yeah n1.

I got no hard feelings towards 4K, but you guys can sure act like [::edited by valiant::] against 'lower' skilled clans. Regardless of outcome in in the last few matches of GSL where naturally you guys are favourites we played a clean tournament and tried our best to accomodate other teams within reason.

So all that's left to say it hush biatch, shut up, put up and just play :)

Note: Full logs available to anyone who may think VAE have been out of line with some classic lines from NeoX & NKM.
It's called sportmanship. Sry you don't have some. Whatever your feelings are towards 4K I couldn't care shit about, I had to travel back home from my summer house 5 days earlier because you don't follow general conduct. There are no rosters on the GSL page, in fact, and we have let every team that wanted to use mercs vs us play with them without any hesitation. It's just general sportsmanship. When you found out that we at that point only had 3 players available for the match, you decided to try and take advantage of the forced date and win on a forfeit win. Pathetic. Unfortunately we will most likely be able to get 6 ppl together (maybe hazz), so we'll see tonight.

May the team which deserves to win, win tonight.
I didn't force anything (see screenshot):

Regardless of e-drama, gg and no hard feelings.
obvious win when fiskus is on ze field xD
muha aA (:
u anti-MADKnut-Sniper monkeh ;D
drunk german + sniper rifle = fail! beer time yet madnut ? :P
beer time is everytime

but maybe ive to think about it (:
gl vae ;)
close game
i think these 3 maps showed how nice and close action ET:Quakewars can have... regardless all the bitching about mercs/sportsmanship and stuff these 3 maps were close, fun to watch and (almost) close to my beloved ET action !

Hope some ET players watched that shit !
i need a serial :< in italy game still costs 50euros -.-
u can watch ETQW:TV withou serial
buy it on amazon
19 euros, from every trader...
yes i've to recharge my postepay ;) but it's incredible that it still cost 50euros here :s and in UK 10£ :s
as Bestik already said u dont need it to watch ET:QW TV at least
Third map ?
"It's just general sportsmanship" - e.g. nkm aliasing for nfaculty against us. Nice decision where it's allowed to do that while still playing for another team involved (when there are hardly a shortage of mercs available it seems) - being lied to or ignored when asking who is playing before/ ingame out of general courtesy (when we allowed it) - then admittedly lied to by the admin who plays for that team - somehow then being put at fault ourselves in pages of irc drivel directed personally at us.
No need to question our conduct which is more "sportsmanlike" than some.
We wouldn't play officials with mercs and we didn't care if you wanted to, until reading pages of shite and abuse about ruining the competition, without reason, as it did a good job on it's own and despite which we have enjoyed it.
We were told neox will decide who and how many mercs any team can use (based on his judgement), later we were asked and said teams should be using their own players (crazy request).
Contrary to what you think, no team I've ever even known has seeked a forfeit, so if that is your request for sympathy or to appear on higher standing, it's hollow.
Sorry that you cut your holiday short, obviously causing some of your angst, for which we are not the ones you should bitch at.
Was a great game to play. Less of your ingame playground spamming during the final, if we manage to reach it, would be wondefull as it's only use is to show lack of what you claim we do, moron. Some like to be seen as idiots because it either drives them or provides a comforting feeling that they are good, some just fucking play. Glhf in final either way.
whats all this shite, valient you used to say how much u appriciated our sportsmanship for playing lower teams even though we always won easily. But i feel like you got really frustrated cos we always beat you so now you're being sour towards us.. its not nescessary dude <3
tbh noone beside rglaf and valiant seem to care about all that shit... e-Drama... same business as usual tbh...

how is japan m8 ?
I got no hard feelings towards 4K or any issues getting beaten, but am seriously dissapointed in the way they acted leading up to this match.

Don't know what story you were told, but as far as I'm concerned I simply stood by my point & that of my team 'No Mercs in Officials'. 4K and a (corrupt) admin tried to play it different and then starting raging when we held our ground.

As far as I'm concerned it's all e-drama and in the past. If any of 4K wanna jump on VAE vent and talk then your welcome to gents, but don't expect me to shift my stance on the 'No Mercs in Officials' principle.

No hard feelings whatsoever from my end.
wow ... :)